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1930278071, Dom Prosper Guéranger , 404, Paperback

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By Dom Prosper Guéranger - PB - 404 pages

In the nineteenth century there was a concerted effort on the part of liberal revisionists to undermine the Church’s history by challenging the veracity of the Acts of the Martyrs. Some miraculous events associated with the lives of very popular saints, whose names were canonized in the Roman Missal, were treated with ridicule by scholars more concerned with documents than the living evidence of common tradition.
It was righteous indignation that moved Abbot Dom Guéranger to defend the cause of Saint Cecilia, whose holy celebrity had spanned fifteen centuries. The abbot’s strategy was to validate the traditional accounts of all the martyrs’ lives by exonerating just one. He achieved this in the holy virgin Cecilia’s case by presenting in book form every morsel of factual evidence available, especially that which modern archeological excavations offered.  As a result of his labor, there arose a refreshing new devotion to the young martyr, and – at least for a time — the cynical scoffs of the proud were silenced. This particular biography was written in response to the request of his co-reformer and friend, the Benedictine Abbess Cécile Bruyère.

Prospér Louis Pascal Guéranger was born in France, in 1805, at Sablé-sur-Sarthe. In the Napoleonic era, 1827, during the continued anti-clerical aftermath of the French Revolution, he was ordained a parish priest.  As a young curé he authored several works on church-state relations. In 1836, having purchased an abandoned priory that was for sale in Solesmes, he and five other parish priests took solemn vows as Benedictines, with the intention of restoring the monastic life in France according to the ancient rule of Saint Benedict. Until his death there in 1875, Abbot Dom Guéranger devoted himself to restoring the cenobitical life as originally cultured thirteen centuries earlier by the father of western monasticism. He did much by his writings and prayers to keep the church in France loyal to the person of the Sovereign Pontiff and away from the dangers of both Gallicanism and Jansenism.

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1930278098, Rev. T. J. O'Kane, 88, Paperback

Rev. T. J. O'Kane - Small book - 88 pages

This Catechism of 84 pages was originally published by the Catholic Social Guild of Oxford England in 1936.
It contains all of the essential teachings of the Church on man’s nature, purpose, and destiny, as well as his fall and redemption. There are sections on the divine and natural law, the right to life—one’s own and that of others— as well as extensive Q&A sections on education, marriage, private property, wages, the family home, the state and Catholics in politics. This is a great teaching tool and very much needed today in America.

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John Haffert, 265 pages, Paper Back

John Haffert - 265 pages - 5" x 8"- PB

Originally printed in 1940. Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat. From the Preface by Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen: "Mr. Haffert has in a masterly way laid bare the solid foundations upon which this [Brown Scapular] devotion reposes. His case is so strikingly presented that to challenge this devotion is to challenge to some extent, the tradition and authority of the Church." The Scapular Promise of Our Lady is: "Whosoever dies clothed in this shall never suffer eternal fire." Pope Pius IX said, "this extraordinary gift of the Scapular brings its great usefulness not only to the Carmelite Family of Mary but also to all the rest of the faithful who wish, affiliated to that Family, to follow Mary with a very special devotion." The book contains 15 chapters, including, The Origin of the Promise, Meaning of the Promise, Historicity of the Promise, How the Promise is Kept, Scapular Prayer and Communication of Benefits, and much more. This is the most complete book on the subject we have seen. It gives many examples of the powerful protection one gets from the Scapular and that protection is in great need today.

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Sisters Adorers of the Precious Blood, 208, Paperback

This small book, which had been out of print for 70 years, is filled with many unusual and traditional prayers and devotions including the Precious Blood Novena and Chaplet plus many other novenas. Also includes the Stations of the Cross, Prayers for holy Mass, many litanies and other special prayers. A real gem!. 208 pages, size: 3" x 4-3/4" PB.

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220, Softcover

Small (3.75" by 5")  abridged 1914 Edition of the Little Office - 220 pages PB

The ancient prayers in this book are shown in both Latin and English text. The left page is Latin and the right page English. This layout method is easier to read than when the English and Latin are split in two columns on the same page.

A more complete version of the Office is also available on this website.

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490 pages, Soft Cover

1954 Imprimatur Complete edition - Latin & English - PB 5" x 7.75" - 490 pages

This edition has large type and is much more complete than the small edition found on this website at {http://www.loretopubs.org/the-little-office-of-the-blessed-virgin-mary.html}.

"Among its many practises of piety, the eager devotion of the Christian faithful toward the holy Mother of God has treasured for centuries an exercise by which the Virgin Mother of God is especially honored, and which is called the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This devotion has gained a greater following in recent times since the daily recitation of this Office is prescribed by the constitutions of many Congregations, both of Lay Brothers and of Sisters—a regulation meriting the highest praise."     Pope Pius XII

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Jean Daniélou, 144, Paperback

Jean Daniélou - 144 Pages - 5.5" x 8.5"

The truth about angels —
according to the Fathers of the Church

From St. Augustine to John Henry Newman, the greatest among the saints and men of God have lived on familiar terms with the angels; and the Church has always accorded them a very large place in her theology.

Recent theologians have dwelt on dry questions about the nature of the angels, but the early Fathers of the Church, with the memory of Jesus fresh in their minds (and of the angels of whom He spoke often) were fascinated with the energetic action of the angels among men and the ways in which the angels have carried out that mission from the instant of Creation through the time of Jesus; and how they will continue their work even unto the end of time.

From the works of these early Fathers of the Church, the late French Cardinal Jean Daniélou has drawn forth threads of knowledge and wisdom which he has here woven into a lucid and bright tapestry that shows us who the ministering angels really are, and how—in every instant and in every way—they are working for your salvation and mine.

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Archbishop Alban Goodier, 280, Soft Cover

Archbishop Alban Goodier - PB 280 pages - 8.5" x 5.5"

These pages remind us that God's grace can conquer every human flaw . . .

Christ came not to call saints but to make them — often out of weak, stupid, and sinful men. That’s why the saints are not only models of holiness for us to imitate; they’re reminders that God’s grace can outshine every human flaw.

As Alban Goodier’s classic Saints for Sinners shows us, even the greatest saints had to battle the same stubborn vices, temptations of the flesh, and bouts of spiritual dryness that afflict you and me today. In these pages, with a style that perfectly blends hagiographical detail, spiritual meditation, and a skilled storyteller’s touch, Archbishop Goodier brings us the tales of:

•The mercenary fighting man and itinerant gambler who left behind his rough soldier's habits and founded a religious order to care for the sick
•The backward, sickly teenager, disowned by his family and dogged by the Inquisition,who became a miraculous healer and paragon of humble simplicity
•The willful Tuscan beauty with a bad reputation who forsook vanity and lust to answer God's call to live in poverty and penitence
•The brilliant, brooding Spanish nobleman who gave up everything to be a missionary — only to see most of his efforts fail
•The royal chaplain and daring Counter-Reformer who escaped the gallows but had to endure a lifelong interior martyrdom of doubt and discouragement
•The hedonistic heretic and womanizer who traded worldly pleasure for divine happiness, and became one of the Church's greatest theologians
•And other inspiring tales of imperfect souls "made perfect in infirmity"
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