by Frère Michel de la Sainte Trinité - Complete set
This 3 volume set is no longer in print. Because of their imortant and irreplaceable historic value we are offering them as FREE PDF downloads as a service to our customers. Please click here for the free download.
Vol. ! Science and the Facts - 560 pages PDF
Vol. II The Secret and the Church - 860 pages PDF
Vol. III - The Third Secret - 870 pages PDF
The entire extraordinary mystery of Fatima, studied step by step from the beginning; for our conversion and our salutary consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary; so as to arrive at the discovery of the Secret of secrets, the third part of the secret given by the Blessed Virgin Mary on July 13, 1917, which is still hidden at Rome; and to put an end to our fears, for there is a victorious, glorious conclusion to this era of errors, carnage and persecutions spread all over the world by Russia as Mary, and She alone, had announced in 1917. Let us go forward, then, for we shall see the salvation which only the Immaculate Heart of Mary could promise and will obtain from Jesus for us! Volumes II and III are also available: Vol. II - The Secret and the Church (1917-1942) Vol. Ill - The Third Secret (1942-1960)
This three volume masterpiece was written by Frère Michel de la Sainte Trinité of the Little Brothers of the Sacred Heart under the direction of the late Abbé Georges deNantes. Frère Michel, after writing this masterppiece retired to the secluded life of the Cisterians, of which order he is now the Superior.
This work is of great historical significance since it it the history of the dark ages of the 20th century, the most backward, cruel, and barbaric of all centuries in the Chirstian era. It is a story however, full of hope and great beauty because it is the story of our age as God sees it. No Catholic or historian can afford to pass up the chance to read this entire work if he would understand the passion of our age and the years to follow.
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Saint Vincent Ferrer
Also available in book format
Any book written by a saint is a treasure, but a book written by one, who was hailed in his time as the “angel of the Apocalypse,” his Treatise consists of nineteen brief instructions on a variety of timeless spiritual topics, all but two of which are easily translatable to the lay apostles of today. The reader will find especially relevant this great preacher’s remedies for getting rid of the devil, keeping him always at bay, and discerning true from false revelations. If you want to be a saint, do as Louis Bertrand did, and take to your heart and to your domestic hearth this handy and portable book, written by a thaumaturgus (wonder-worker) who raised over thirty dead people to life and who converted twenty-five thousand Jews, thousands of Mohammedans, and countless thousands of heretics and sinners of all kinds.
Ernst Wagner - Translated by Dom Alban Fruth O.S.B.
Do you want to know how to make the Heart of Jesus glad? Then listen to the stories about Tonio Martinez and Andrew de Thaye. They made their lives a song of love for both Jesus and His Blessed Mother, Mary. From their lives you too can learn how to please and love Jesus. These boys in a few short years have attained that goal which sometimes takes grown-ups a whole lifetime to reach. If you do what these boys did, Jesus will also consider you a hero. Jesus loves little children. He wants them to visit Him and to receive Him in Holy Communion. He said: "Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not. For of such is the kingdom of God." Go then to Jesus, and He will make your heart pure and holy, as is His own. Let Tonio and Andrew show you the way to the loving Heart of Jesus!
Also Available in Print Format
Father John Nicholas Grou, S.J. - Ebook (pdf)
Translated by the Benedictines of Teignmouth
This timely monograph, composed by Jesuit Father Nicholas Grou, contains precious gems of holy wisdom. They are the fruit of a pastor of souls well acquainted with the latter-day stratagems of an experienced adversary determined to get the focus of persecuted and battle-weary Catholics off the straight and narrow course leading to Boromirpersonal sanctity.
The Gift of Self to God, which is the heart of the composition, is an extremely provoking and healing meditation dealing with the necessity and salutary advantage of giving our all to God. It is a perfect compliment to the spirit of Saint Louis Marie de Montfort’s True Devotion to Mary.
Not as well known as he should be, the work of this great doctor of the interior life is reprinted here, together with two of his other essays, all of which confirm the virtue of filial trust in God.
Rosalie Marie Levy -Ebook (pdf) - 94 pages
This brief treatise was written by a woman who converted from Judaism in the early days of the 20th century and who, in her zeal to convince her fellow Jews of the wisdom of her conversion, wrote much in defense of Our Lord and his Church. One of her most famous works is Why Jews Convert—the personal story of many Jews of her day who came to the realization that Jesus was the promised Messiah and who, once having accepted that fact, followed him in the Catholic church that he founded.Given here is the barest sketch of the history of the world, followed by extensive quotes from the ancient Hebrew scriptures and a corresponding text from the New Testament proving their fulfillment. She then discusses the questions “What think you of Christ? Whose Son is He?” and gives the proper answers. Finally, she exhorts her past co-religionists to consider her arguments and then gives a list of hundreds of Jewish converts in an appendix to the work. This is a powerful little tool for both education and evangelization. Loreto’s editors think highly enough of it to have brought it back into print after an absence of over 70 years.
Translated by Mario DiTata During his lifetime St. Francis wrote many books and innumerable letters of spiritual advice. He was known far and wide as the best spiritual director of his day. He converted seventy-two thousand Calvinists back to the Catholic Faith. Introduction to the Devout Life is one of his most widely known works. This compilation of gems of wisdom from this great Doctor of souls is a small tribute to his genius and sanctity and a book from you will derive much consolation.