George O'Brien In the Department of Human Affairs concerned with the economic activities of man, the old universally accepted code of justice fell into disregard, if not into ridicule; and its place was taken, on the one hand, by the theory that the only safe guide for man to follow in these affairs is his own personal interest, and, on the other hand, and partly as a reaction against this repulsive theory, that the individual has no right of initiative at all, but that his whole being must be subordinated to the welfare of the community. Both these theories would have been equally disapproved by the old, despised ethical authority of the Middle Ages, under whose régime they could not have flourished or developed; but, at the time when they arose, that old authority was no longer universally accepted, and there was no power in Europe strong enough to withstand the march of these two dangerous doctrines. The path to both Capitalism and Socialism had been opened by the Reformation.
. . . Once [Gustavus Adolphus] took the field, Richelieu found that he had called up the devil, and that the devil was too much for him. Hilaire Belloc, 1930
25 Essays Selected by John Edward Dineen - PB 320 pages
Joseph Hilaire Pierre René Belloc, 1870-1953, was born in France of a French Catholic Father and an English protestant mother. His mother later converted under the influence of Cardinal Manning, a good friend and mentor of Hilaire. His only sister, Marie (Belloc) Lowndes, was a fairly well-known writer like her brother Hilaire. Belloc’s father died young, leaving his widow in dire financial straits with two young children to support. They moved to England, and they settled in Slindon, West Sussex, where Belloc lived for most of his life.Belloc was a prolific writer and seldom was employed in any other remunerative endeavor during his life, hence the constancy of his precarious financial condition. However he was rarely, if ever, destitute, since he was one of the most widely read writers of the 20th century in both England and America. On this side of the Atlantic he is best known for his political, economic, and historical works. As an essayist he is less well-known, but some think that it is as a poet and essayist that his name will be longest remembered.These twenty-five exquisite essays, selected by John Edward Dineen, were first published as a collection in 1936 and are here offered to a new generation of American readers to savor.
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This book may be ordered now for shipment the first week of January 2013.
By Professor Roberto deMattei - Softcover - 640 pages
No event of the 20th century produced a greater effect upon the Catholic Church than Vatican II, the 21st Ecumenical Council. To many it might seem to have been simply a meeting of important churchmen gathered to discuss church matters, but because the Catholic Church is the only church founded on this earth by God himself to guide men to salvation, the reality is that centuries from now historians will likely consider it, (as well as the message to the world delivered by the Mother of God during her personal visit at Fatima in 1917), as one of the two pivotal events of world history for the recently ended century.
Vatican II opened fifty years ago on October 11, 1962. Since it ended in 1965, the council has been written of in countless books, articles, scholarly journals, magazines, and newspapers all over the world. Things said and done since the council, in the name of the council and in opposition to it, have affected the lives of everyone living since that time.As with any significant historical event, it is only after considerable time has elapsed that a fuller story of exactly what happened in those years before,during, and after “the event” can be engagingly told and wisely summarized. Professor de Mattei’s genius lies in the application of a lucid, literate,and philosophical mind to thorough scholarly research and mountains of documentation. From this framework he has presented us with a story; a story of an event, a previously unwritten story that has been begging to be told for many years. This book will unfold for you the answer to the question, What happened at the Council?”
“A work that is as erudite as it is relevant. I am certain that thanks to its rigorous historical-critical method it will convince a vast readership.”Cardinal Walter Brandmüller, President Emeritusof the Pontifical Committee for Historical Science
Book Four - Volume 7 Grace: Actual and Habitual - 452 pages - EBOOK - PDF,
Many Catholics living today can remember when priests were well trained in theology and could express the Faith properly in their sermons and in their writing. That is because they were given sound teaching at the seminary in Logic, Philosophy, and Dogmatic Theology from textbooks such as this 12 volume set. The famous Pohle-Preuss manual was used in many seminaries in America and other countries prior to the 1950's when seminary training began to go downhill.
This particular manual was used in the Jesuit seminary where Fr. Leonard Feeney, who was one called by his Jesuit superior "the greatest theologian we have in far" was trained. This beautiful hardbound series is an exact reproduction of the edition originally published in 1911, and it was written by Rt. Rev. Msgr. Joseph Pohle an edited by Arthur Preuss.
Joseph Pohle was a Jesuit and one of the founding faculty members of the Catholic University of America as well as a frequent contributor to the Catholic Encyclopedia. He died in 1922 after having produced one of the clearest and most succinct and useful systematic studies of Catholic theology ever published. This series is invaluable for priests, seminarians, and anyone interested in a systematic study of dogmatic theology.
Book Five - Volume 8 The Sacraments Part 1 & Volume 9 The Sacraments Part 2- 752 pages - EBOOK - PDF
The unabridged commentary of Cornelius aLapidé on the Catholic Epistles of Saints John and Jude
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This is the 6th book in our series of the Great Commentaries of Cornelius aLapide S. J. The Four Gospels Commentary is listed elsewhere on this website and commentary on Galatians and Corinthians are also available. Those who have the Gospels Commentary already know what a treasure aLapide’s work is.This volume perfectly matches the original four volume set and this is the first and only complete translation from Latin into English of these four Epistles. We are now working on a translation of more of aLapide's peerless commentary for future publication. Translation and publication in English of this 33 volume Latin magnum opus is continuing - first the rest of the New Testament and then the Old—God willing!440 pages - $50. Hardcover $25.00 E-BOOK
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The complete and unabridged commentary of Cornelius aLapidé on the First and Second Epistles of Saint Paul to the Corinthians and his Epistle to the Galatians EBOOK - PDF, Kindle, & EPUB
This is the 5th book in our series of the Great Commentaries of Cornelius aLapide S. J. The Four Gospels Commentary is listed elsewhere on this website. Those who have the Gospels Commentary already know what a treasure aLapide’s work is.This volume perfectly matches the original four volume set and this is the first and only complete translation from Latin into English of these three Epistles of Saint Paul. We are now working on a translation of the Catholic Epistles for publication next year. Translation and publication in English of this 33 volume Latin magnum opus is continuing - first the rest of the New Testament and then the Old—God willing!758 pages - $50. Hardcover