By Rev. Jerome DalGal - PB 188 pages
In the early part of the 21st century, because of the incessant and often strident media attention to the doings and mis-doings of many highly placed Churchmen, it is good to reflect upon how much good can be accomplished for the greater glory of God and the advancement of religion by even one man of deep holiness who has been placed in a position of great authority and responsibility in the Church. Such a man was Cardinal Merry del Val. He was born into an aristocratic family of Irish, English, and Spanish parentage (oh happy combination!) in the city of London. His parents were the Marquis Raphael Merry del Val and the Countess Josephine de Zuletta. Among the family of his forebears was a martyr of the Church, St. Domenguito del Val, a child of barely seven who was crucified to a wall in the Cathedral of Saragossa in 1250 by the enemies of Christianity. He is of course best known as the architect and executor of St. Pius X’s war against Modernism, for which great service to God he acquired numerous enemies in his lifetime, and for which we can be sure that he gained many friends in Heaven. But his life was not one of merely temporal greatness. He was a profoundly humble and virtuous man as well.Saint Pius X had as his Secretary of State a man who was eminently worth of his holy pontificate—Cardinal Merry del Val. In 1931, a year after the death of this illustrious Cardinal, the famous French scholar René Bazin made he following observation: “Judgment was passed in many different ways on Cardinal Merry del Val while he was living. This was due largely to the part he played in the political and religious affairs of his time. But now that he is dead people are getting to know him better, for with death has come the unveiling of the well-guarded secret of his extraordinary spiritual life.”
Fr. John Kane
How to make your Confessions less difficult and more fruitful
If you still drag your feet about going to Confession, here's the help you need to enable you to overcome your reluctance and open your soul to the vast reservoir of mercy found in Confession.
This down-to-earth, practical guide shows you how to transform your confessions from embarrassing moments in a dark room into profound experiences of God's love. The author, Fr. John Kane, provides solid guidelines for how you can (and must) make the most effective possible use of the sacrament of Reconciliation. Even better, he shows you how to carry the grace of Confession into your daily life, so that you'll start winning — consistently — your battles against sin.
Get Fr. Kane's help to confess well and avoid sin:
Fr. F. J. Remler, CM - PB 180 pages - 5" x 7"
Learn how to resist temptation now — before it’s too late!
You’ve no doubt taken steps to ensure your safety — and your family’s — from various kinds of worldly calamities. But if you haven’t made sure you’re properly on guard against temptations, you’re setting yourself up for a spiritual disaster of immense proportions. No matter how devoted to Christ you are, temptations are going to come to you. That’s why How to Resist Temptation is essential reading for every serious Catholic.
The author, Fr. Francis J. Remler, C.M., helps you prepare yourself so that, when temptations begin to assail your soul, you’ll be ready. Learn from Father’s experience Fr. Remler gives you the benefit of his expertise as a confessor and shepherd of souls, as he shows you how to identify and guard against common misunderstandings of what temptation really is and what it is not — misunderstandings that can paralyze your spiritual growth. He details ways you can recognize the elements of temptation — and be on guard against often-unrecognized causes of individual temptations. He reveals how you can keep the memories of your past sins from troubling and tempting you now, and clarifies why God allows temptation to exist in the first place. He even explores the role of the demonic in day-to-day temptations — with firm faith in God’s power.
A marvelously encouraging and optimistic book, How to Resist Temptation even contains useful directions on how you can — believe it or not — actually benefit from temptation, and how you can learn from others’ examples as you fight against temptation. So the next time the siren song of temptation starts to sound in your ears, don’t try to tough out the struggle alone — call on God’s ever-plentiful grace, and go to battle against sin armed with the wisdom of How to Resist Temptation!
The first totally re-typeset, Latin-English daily missal for the laity since Vatican II. This is the most complete missal ever produced in the English language. We have included everything and have produced a missal that is affordable while being of the highest durability. The Roman Catholic Daily Missal will become your life-long liturgical companion —at Church, at home, and on the road. All new typesetting —not a photographic reproduction: clear and crisp type. According to the 1962 juxta typica (typical edition) of the Missale Romanum. 1,980 pages All liturgical texts in Latin and English (both Propers and Ordinary) All readings in English and Latin All music in Gregorian notation Ordinary with rubrics in red Gilt edges 5 liturgically-colored non-fraying ribbons Smythe Sewn, rounded back binding with durable, leather-like Skivertex polymer gold-embossed flexible cover Rounded corners on pages and cover Reinforced 80 lb. resin-impregnated endsheets for extreme durability Printed and bound in the USA on the highest quality natural Bible paper imported from France especially for this missal Fully and thoroughly indexed.
Benedict Sisters of Perpetual Adoration - 128 pages PB 5.5" x 8.5"
A devotional explanation of the prayers, ceremonies, and mysteries of the Holy Sacrifice, and of the benefits to be derived from devout participation.
Pope Saint Pius X, almost a century ago, encouraged the faithful to “Pray the Mass” as a part of his efforts at liturgical renewal. After nearly a half-century of liturgical “renewal” which largely consisted of “experiments” with the Holy Sacrifice that went beyond the wildest imaginings of that holy pope, our current pontiff, Pope Benedict XVI, has issued his Motu Proprio entitled Summorum Pontificum, in which he urges the Bishops to encourage and aid the celebration of the liturgy of the Roman rite in the ancient form which had been in universal use until 1962.
For those faithful who have remained attached to the liturgy that has been essentially unchanged for over 1400 years, or for those just discovering the immemorial rite, this book will provide a thorough and deeply reflective explanation of all of the rubrics, prayers, and actions of the Holy Sacrifice. This book, that was first published in the 1930s by the Benedictine Convent of Perpetual Adoration, is written in a style suitable to laymen of all levels of education. It is a thorough presentation and is based upon sound Catholic theological and liturgical principles.
Dona Emilio Pardo Bazan
Much more than simply “another life of Saint Francis,” this book will dazzle and enthrall, and educate all readers, from the most erudite to those who have only rudimentary knowledge of (or interest in) the life of one of the greatest and most exceptional saints. Aptly titled, this author provides the reader with a deeply spiritual and radically historical framework in which she illumines the uniqueness of this soul and the depths of the effects upon the world produced by the sanctity of this one human being who cooperated so magnanimously with the ever present grace of God.