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Timothy O' Donnell, 292, Softcover

Ireland, in its halcyon years, was commonly called the land of saints and scholars by a grateful Christendom. And, although the emerald isle, like other Catholic nations, had not only its peaks of sanctity but its lows of spiritual tepidity (as we see manifest everywhere today), the land of the Gaels has rarely, if ever, been without her martyrs. Be it at the hands of pagan Viking marauders, Puritan savages or the rapacious imperialists of perfidious Albion, Ireland has drunk from the Lord’s chalice deeply and often. This stirring account of a very crucial period in Irish history was written by historian Timothy T. O’Donnell, a worthy son of the illustrious O’Donnell clan, who now serves as president of Christendom College. With that Catholic reverence that only a filial piety nurtured in the holy Faith can generate, the author brings to life a somewhat obscure slice of Irish history that ought to stand out prominently in the annals of heroic struggles against draconian injustice. This is the story of the Catholic uprising of the three Hughs: Hugh O’Donnell, Red Hugh, his valiant son, and Hugh O’Neill, Earl of Tyrone, master dissembler and cunning diplomat, whom Queen Elizabeth preferred to call "Beelzebub." Beginning in 1595, the war for liberty and the reign of Christ the King grew in strength victory by victory, such wise that by 1599 all of Ireland was ruled by native Irishmen as an independent Catholic Kingdom. It was to be a short-lived independence ending with the pathos of the "Flight of the Earls" in 1603 and the toxic murder in Spain of Red Hugh, "the son of prophecy," by an English spy. The battle cry of the mighty warriors of "The O’Donnell," Red Hugh, may now be silent, though not ever silenced: "Papa Aboo!" (The Pope to victory!) For in Gaelic hearts "the visible King" of the isle will forever be the Vicar of Christ.

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Father Alban Butler, 538 pages , Hard Cover

Father Alban Butler - Hardcover - 538 pages - Illustrated

With reflections for every day of the year compiled from Butler’s Lives and other approved sources

This beautifully illustrated book is the perfect solution for so many Catholics anxious to get reacquainted with the lives of the saints, but who have too little time to read more thorough biographies. There are approximately five hundred entries covering the feast days for each day of the year with an accompanying pictorial sketch of the saint being honored, and some pious reflection useful for daily meditation.

This is the original version of Butler’s Little Pictorial Lives first published in 1874 and largely taken from Butler’s original work. This work is a popular, but very scholarly, abridgement of the complete Butler’s Lives published in twelve volumes in 1847. That is the best edition of Butler’s work with no late 19th or early 20th century ‘modernizations.’

This collection makes excellent reading at table or after the family rosary where in the bosom of intimate familial unity, the history of sanctity may be passed to young minds eager to hear stories of true heroism. Many saints, indeed some very well known and popular ones, took their first steps toward a life of heroic virtue by reading or hearing the lives of other saints who went before.

Father Alban Butler was born in 1710, at Appletree, North-amptonshire, the second son of Simon Butler, Esq. Orphaned at the age of eight, he was sent to be educated at the English College, Douay, in France. In 1735, Butler was ordained a priest. At Douay, he was appointed professor of philosophy, and later professor of theology. It was at Douay, he began his principal work The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs and Other Principal Saints. He also prepared material for Richard Challoner’s Memoirs of Missionary Priests, a work on the martyrs of the reign of Elizabeth.

He labored for some time as a missionary priest in Staffordshire, and was finally appointed president of the English seminary at Saint Omer in France, where he remained till his death in 1773.

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1930278624, Saint Francis de Sales, 25, Paperback

Translated by Mario DiTata During his lifetime St. Francis wrote many books and innumerable letters of spiritual advice. He was known far and wide as the best spiritual director of his day. He converted seventy-two thousand Calvinists back to the Catholic Faith. Introduction to the Devout Life is one of his most widely known works. This compilation of gems of wisdom from this great Doctor of souls is a small tribute to his genius and sanctity and a book from you will derive much consolation.

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1930278004, Fr. Leonard Feeney, MICM., 166, Hardcover

The words, spoken or written, of a soul that genuinely loves God have a tone to them which always rings true. Couple this truth with literary genius, deep spiritual discernment and childlike simplicity and you are close to describing Father Leonard Feeney, the author of Fish on Friday. These fourteen Catholic essays, Father Feeney’s youthful best, mirror a heart that is as light and humorous as it is religiously profound. Loreto Publications is delighted and proud to put this American Catholic classic back in print. Too many generations have been deprived of Father Feeney’s winsome literary sagacity when his poems and essays were mysteriously removed from Catholic schools on account of his heroic defense of a defined doctrine of the faith. No one can possibly read "Fish on Friday," The Queen of Hearts," "Charlie Maloney," or any of the other eleven essays in this book without frequent bursts of wholesome laughter and (be forewarned) without a welling of those kind of tears that expand the soul. After reading this book one will clearly see that our Lord and 0ur Lady were preparing this priest and theologian all along with superabundant graces to become what he became — one of the greatest apostles of the twentieth century. In the February 17, 1994 issue of Catholic New York, John Cardinal O’ Connor began "An Informal Pastoral on Lent" with this paragraph:

"Long before he ran into a bit of trouble, from which it was obvious that he would recover, given his whimsical sense of humor, Fr. Leonard Feeney, S.J., wrote some of the most delightful things ever published in our land. Fish on Friday was one of the best. It first appeared 60 years ago, and never a Lent goes by without my renewing my friendship with it . . ."

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John Haffert, 176 pages , Paperback

By John Haffert - PB -  176 pages

Saint Nuño of Portugal: The Founder of the Braganza Dynasty and Father of Modern Portugal was Beatified by Pope Benedict XV in 1918 and Canonized by Pope Benedict XVI in 2009.
Don Nuño Alvarez Perreira went to war, in defense of his country. He fought, he killed, and he received many decorations. He was wounded, but he was “lucky” enough to come home.
Five hundred years after he fought his battles, the Blessed Virgin made what was perhaps her most spectacular appearance on earth—her appearance on October 13, 1917, at Fatima, on the very ground on which Nuño fought, and holding in her hands the very symbols under which Nuño led his troops in that place, five hundred years before.
This amazing Nuño—Our Lady’s Knight—led a life bridging centuries, stranger than fiction, fraught with the mystery of war and evil, gold-touched by the sun of the promise made in 1917 by Our Lady at Fatima: “In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph and there will be peace.”

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$14.95 $11.95
Father Denis Fahey, C.S.Sp., 96 pages, Paperback

By Rev. Denis Fahey, C.S.Sp., D. D., D. PH., LA  —  Small book - 96 pages

   Well footnoted and impeccably researched, this book was first published in 1938 on the eve of World War II.

   Much had been written by that time about the persons who were the primary movers of the Revolution of 1917 in Russia that had been spoken of by Our Lady to the children at Fatima and at many other times much later to Sr. Lucia. A new war that was predicted to Lucia “if Russia is not consecrated to my Immaculate Heart” was humanly inevitable by the time this book was published. Her words to the children, “Only I can save you now!” have echoed through the mind of millions since that fateful hour when the Consecration of Russia was indefinitely postponed by Pope Pius XI.

   Before the Bolshevist revolution, which was engineered and perpetrated largely by the ancient enemies of Christ, had even occurred its imminent fruition called forth from Heaven the “Woman clothed with the Sun” to speak words of warning and of comfort to a world in the midst of the what many have called ‘the bloodiest century’ and what Yuri Slezkine has named ‘The Jewish Century.’

   “We will not have this Man to rule over us!” has been the cry of Jewish revolutionaries since the days when the incarnate God walked among us. Nothing much has truly changed since the time of the Gospels and in this knowledge there resides much wisdom. He who has ears to hear, let him understand. Father Fahey speaks to us plainly and lets the facts fall as they may.

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Hilaire Belloc and Cecil Chesterton, 160, Softcover
The Party System, co-authored by Hilaire Belloc and the brother of G.K.C., is a frontal assault on parliamentary democracy. The authors favor representative government but argue convincingly that modern Parliaments and Congresses are the antithesis of true representation. Bearing out what is illustrated by the current political paralysis on almost every important social question from war to poverty to finance, this book reads like it was written as an answer to today’s problems. A welcome breath of fresh air. Forward by Ron Paul, Introduction by Sforza Ruspoli.
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Fr. Didier Bonneterre, 148, Paperback

Fr. Didier Bonneterre - PB 148 pages

Historically Dom Gueranger and Pope Saint Pius X are truly at the origin of the liturgical movement, that is, "the renewal of fervor for the liturgy among the clergy and the faithful." But it is a false and pernicious claim that there has been a "homogenous development" in the movement begun by them resulting in the New Order of Mass!

This deception cannot be accepted. That is why this book was written. The Novus Ordo derived from the thought of Dom Gueranger and Pope Saint Pius X?! No way!

The Liturgical Movement is a fast-reading book on the history of the liturgical movement of the last century:

-How was it diverted from its course?
-Who made up the brain-trust which led its early deviation?
-What was the principal error of these liturgical radicals?
-In the end, who hijacked the movement to propagandize for Vatican II and a New Mass?

Find out who were the major players hounding the Popes of the era: Beauduin, Bea, Parsch, Guardini, Casel, Jungmann, Lercaro, Botte, Reinhold, Winzen, Congar, Harscouet, (Gaspar) Lefebvre, Danielou, Fischer, Bugnini, Nocent, Bouyer, Thurian, Gy, etc.

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