FR. EDWARD CAHILL S.J.- Hardcover - 702 pages
The history of the modern world, since the French-Masonic Revolution, consists in the war to defend or to destroy the very ideals of Christian civilization. God's plan for men is that all of their societal structures, especially the government of their nation-states should be imbued with Catholic principles, and that Christ would be officially recognized by the state as king and ruler of the nation, that all of the laws of each state, would not only protect the freedom of His Church to operate freely among men for their salvation, but that further, each state would pattern its laws and government according the the social principles laid out by the Church for the happiness and freedom of mankind. But in the modern age, men have uncrowned Him as their King. This uncivilized age has cried out, like the Sanhedrin of old, "We will NOT have this Man rule over us." Thus, we are now quickly regressing into a new and very dark age of barbarism (with modern technology and weapons!) such as the world has never seen before.
Fr. Edward Cahill was an Irish Jesuit who founded "an Rioghacht", a group of Catholics focussed upon bringing the principles espoused in the papal encyclical Quas Primas (on the Kingship of Christ), to the modern world. This book is his masterpiece.
Complete Set of Fr. Denis Fahey's books - 14 Titles
Mental Prayer According to the Teaching of Saint Thomas Aquinas (1927)
Secret Societies and the Kingship of Christ (1928)The Kingship of Christ According to the Principles of Saint Thomas Aquinas (1931)The Social Rights of Our Divine Lord Jesus Christ the King Adapted from the French of Rev. A. Phillippe C.SS.R. by Fr. Denis Fahey C.S.Sr. (1932)The Mystical Body of Christ in the Modern World (1935)The Rulers of Russia (1938)The Workingmen’s Guilds of the Middle Ages (1943) (A translation of the work by Dr. Godefroid Kurth C.S.G.)The Kingship of Christ and Organized Naturalism (1943)Money Manipulation and the Social Order (1944)The Mystical Body of Christ and the Reorganization of Society (1945)The Tragedy of James Connolly (1947)The Rulers of Russia and the Russian Farmers (1948)The Kingship of Christ and the Conversion of the Jewish Nation (1953)The Church and Farming (1953)
“I repeatedly promised Saint Peter that if I ever got the chance, I would teach the truth about his Master in the way he and his successors, the Roman Pontiffs, wanted it done. That is what I have striven to do and am doing.” —Rev. Denis Fahey
by Antonio Socci
Blockbuster Best Seller!
Previously available only in Italian, German, Portugese, and other European languages
Newly translated into English - Over 100,000 sold in English already!
This small book, which had been out of print for 70 years, is filled with many unusual and traditional prayers and devotions including the Precious Blood Novena and Chaplet plus many other novenas. Also includes the Stations of the Cross, Prayers for holy Mass, many litanies and other special prayers. A real gem!. 208 pages, size: 3" x 4-3/4" PB.
The Catholic Land Movement Papers
Here is a collection of essays by leaders of the Catholic Land Movement. Spearheaded by men such as Fr. Vincent McNabb, the movement was a practical embodiment of the salutary truth that economic life must be rooted in property ownership and agriculture. This book expresses that vision through the words of some of Englands wisest social commentators. If youre not able to flee to the fields, someday your children may want to.
The words, spoken or written, of a soul that genuinely loves God have a tone to them which always rings true. Couple this truth with literary genius, deep spiritual discernment and childlike simplicity and you are close to describing Father Leonard Feeney, the author of Fish on Friday. These fourteen Catholic essays, Father Feeney’s youthful best, mirror a heart that is as light and humorous as it is religiously profound. Loreto Publications is delighted and proud to put this American Catholic classic back in print. Too many generations have been deprived of Father Feeney’s winsome literary sagacity when his poems and essays were mysteriously removed from Catholic schools on account of his heroic defense of a defined doctrine of the faith. No one can possibly read "Fish on Friday," The Queen of Hearts," "Charlie Maloney," or any of the other eleven essays in this book without frequent bursts of wholesome laughter and (be forewarned) without a welling of those kind of tears that expand the soul. After reading this book one will clearly see that our Lord and 0ur Lady were preparing this priest and theologian all along with superabundant graces to become what he became — one of the greatest apostles of the twentieth century. In the February 17, 1994 issue of Catholic New York, John Cardinal O’ Connor began "An Informal Pastoral on Lent" with this paragraph:
"Long before he ran into a bit of trouble, from which it was obvious that he would recover, given his whimsical sense of humor, Fr. Leonard Feeney, S.J., wrote some of the most delightful things ever published in our land. Fish on Friday was one of the best. It first appeared 60 years ago, and never a Lent goes by without my renewing my friendship with it . . ."
The truth about Purgatory . . . revealed more than 500 years ago to a canonized saint!
Here is the sensible view of Purgatory, tainted by neither childish superstition nor modern skepticism.
From these holy pages by St. Catherine of Genoa, you’ll learn:
Five hundred years ago, Fire of Love! transformed the world’s view of Purgatory, revealing these purifying fires to be the glow of God’s love. Now is the time to let these pages transform your own view of Purgatory, and to discover in them a sweet manifestation of the unfathomable depths of God’s love.