The truth about Purgatory . . . revealed more than 500 years ago to a canonized saint!
Here is the sensible view of Purgatory, tainted by neither childish superstition nor modern skepticism.
From these holy pages by St. Catherine of Genoa, you’ll learn:
Five hundred years ago, Fire of Love! transformed the world’s view of Purgatory, revealing these purifying fires to be the glow of God’s love. Now is the time to let these pages transform your own view of Purgatory, and to discover in them a sweet manifestation of the unfathomable depths of God’s love.
Ethics and the National Economy is a sorely-needed treatise on an essential aspect of economics: the role of morality, and ethical considerations, in economic science. A must read for anyone concerned with the effects of economic thinking upon day-to-day economic life, as well as the accountability and motivation of those who make policies based upon their conception of economic reality.
Father Charles Arminjon - PB 336 pages - 5.5"x 8.5"
Mystery book on ‘End Times’ reappears
"Reading this book was one of the greatest graces of my life!"
In it, Fr. Arminjon gets right to the point: “The end of the world, Christ says, will come when the human race, sunk in the depths of indifference, is far from thinking about punishment and justice. It will be as in the days of Noah, when men lived without a care, built luxurious homes, and mocked Noah as he built his ark.”
“Civilization will be at its zenith, markets overflowing with money, and stocks will never have been higher. Mankind, wallowing in unprecedented material prosperity, will have ceased to hope for heaven. Crudely attached to pleasures, man will say ‘My soul, you have goods to last for many years. Eat, drink and be merry.’ ”
Doesn’t that sound eerily like America just a year or so ago?
Fr. Arminjon insists that we “steer clear of every perilous opinion and make no assertion that is not justified by Tradition and the doctrine of the Fathers.” Yet it’s precisely his sober reliance on Scripture and Tradition that makes this book so convincing . . . and so chilling!
But Fr. Arminjon doesn’t merely sketch the darkness ahead; he also shows how Jesus will fill that darkness with light; and he details the rich bounty Christ has in store for all who stay faithful.
G. K. Chesterton - PB 220 Pages
Edited and Published posthumously by Frank SheedIn 1933 Hitler came into power. In 1936, G. K. Chesterton died. In between, Chesterton kept his eyes steadily on the Nazi movement, seeing and foreseeing everything—even to the agreement of Germany and Russia to divide Poland.
Week after week he came back to one aspect or another of the danger: Prussianism as a spirit poisoning Germany, Hitlerism as Prussianism, the special peril (unique in human history) that lies in racism, the Jewish roots of Hitlerism, the vital function of Poland, and the elements among ourselves that made for the increase of Hitler’s power—especially the pacifism that made war inevitable. It is not too much to say that this inevitablility of war was the dominating theme of the last years of Chesterton’s life. Certainly it was never far from his pen.
This classic introduction to the basics of economic theory offers a constructive approach to economic education by defining terms and introducing key concepts without using insider jargon and complex theories. The fundamental questions about why the economy fluctuates and how small farmers, small business people, families, consumers, and innovators are affected by these fluctuations are considered. Serious alternatives to modern economic theories are explained, with attention to the realities that have been largely unchanged through the last century.
Hilaire Belloc is a former member of parliament in the British House of Commons. He is the author of more than 100 books, including Charles I, The Free Press, and The Restoration of Property. Edward A. McPhail is an assistant professor of economics at Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Alberto Piedra is a professor emeritus of economics at Catholic University of America, where he was a chairperson of the economics department.
Mary Perkins - 232 pages- EBOOK - PDF
Mary Perkins worked for Sheed & Ward publishers in the 1930s and was a close friend of Fr. Leonard Feeney who encourged her to publish this book. It is without doubt the best Latin textbook for a neophyte who wishes to learn well the language of Holy Mother Church. The Latin is taken directly from the Missal and as a teaching tool this book is simple and thorough and not intimidating. Highly recommended, especially for Catholic homeschoolers or anyone new to our language.
One of the comments made about Our Lord by his contemporaries was that “He spokeas one having authority.” In the modern world, the Church seems to rarely speak as one“having authority”. This is unfortunate; some might say scandalous, for it is authority thatmen seek when pursuing truth. Young people are inundated with the message that truth, asan objective reality, does not exist . . . except for you alone. “Well, that’s your opinion!”, or“Make your own truth.”, or even Pilate’s own phrase “What is truth?”, are all too commonphrases one hears nearly everywhere today. Even the term “faith” is now one of opprobriuminstead of a declaration of virtue. One thing that does still speak with authority however,especially to the young, is example. In this powerful modern novella, one young manconsiders faith and whether it has any meaning at all to a man who wishes to truly liveor whether faith is merely something one grasps onto when no clear answers to the deepquestions of life are to be found elsewhere.
Gary Potter is a native of California. After attending public schools, a professional theateracademy, and college, he spent two years sailing in the Merchant Marine and anotherfour living in France, where he discovered the Faith. Following baptism into the Churchand time working in advertising in New York, he began his career in Catholic Journalismin 1966 as a founding editor of the legendary Triumph magazine. Besides Triumphand two publications of which he later was editor, Truth & Justice and CCPA News &Views (the publication of Catholics for Christian Political Action), articles by him haveappeared in National Review, Human Events, the New York Times, the Washington Post, TheNational Catholic Register, Faith & Reason, The Wanderer, The Remnant, The Angelus, Fromthe Housetops, and numerous other publications. Mr. Potter lives with his wife, Virginia, inWashington, D.C. This is Gary’s first novella. He is the author of In Reaction, a series ofCatholic essays, After The Boston Heresy Case, and is currently working on a book about theSocial Kingship of Christ and a second novel.
Dr. Godefroid Kurth - with an Introduction by Father Denis Fahey, C.S.Sp. — 64 pages - EBOOK - PDF
Is not the strategy of the enemies of God there to teach us a lesson? They want to destroy the faith in the hearts of individuals, it is true, but they direct still more vigorous efforts to the elimination of religion from social institutions. Even one defeat of God in this domain means the weakening, if not the ruin, of the faith in the souls of many”
This short essay on the workingman’s guilds by Professor Kurth was translated into English by Father Denis Fahey, who also wrote the introduction included here. The introduction is longer than the article since it introduces briefly the entire plan for a Christian social order, of which the economic life of the laboring man is only a portion.
When speaking of the economic life of a Christian society the most important principle to consider is that it—the economic life of society— must be subject to the moral law before all else. This subjection must be the first principle of the structure of society’s economic life and not simply something engrafted as an afterthought. Both politics and economics are disciplines subsidiary to the science of ethics. Without this subjection nations become ensnared by the terrible modern errors known as capitalism, communism, or socialism, all of which amount to the same thing, the destruction of the society operated according to their principles, and the end of Christian civilization.