The most popular autobiography ever written may well have been that of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. Unlike the stigmatist Padre Pio, who is the only saint of modern times to compare in popularity with the Little Flower's universal appeal, Sister Thérèse of the Child Jesus, during her mortal life (1873-1897), was hardly known outside the walls of her Carmelite cloister. And, she may have never been well known this side of heaven had she not been ordered by her superiors to write a personal journal of her own exquisite growth and fruition in the spiritual life a growth that never idled from the time she was three. From the age of three years, she testified, I never refused anything to the Great God. Before the youngest child of Louis and Zelie Martin left this world, she prophesied that her greatest active work would begin in heaven and that she would employ herself in beatitude doing good upon earth. From there, just as she promised, she has never ceased to let fall a shower of roses upon all who invoke her. Such devotion of the universal church, as that bestowed upon Sister Thérèse of the Child Jesus, was quickly rewarded by the Vicar of Christ. She was canonized only twenty-eight years after her death by Pope Benedict XV.
Loreto Publications is thrilled to publish Carmelite Father Albert Dolan's unique collection of eight monographs, each of which deals with the temporal spiritual journey of our chosen vessel of grace, either as the saint saw herself in the eyes of God, or as she was intimately known by her parents, four sibling sisters, fellow religious, childhood friends and others whose lives she touched after her death. One might call this redolent nosegay of inspirational testimonies, an anthology, in the Greek sense of that word, for anthos literally means a gathering of flowers. In order to compose his octave of devotion, Father Dolan traveled, in 1924, to France: to Normandy's Alencon, where Saint Thérèse was born, to her family home in Buissonnets, to the Carmel at Lisieux, and to other French towns. Then, he went to Rome, where he and Pope Pius XI had a mutually productive discussion of his apostolate to make the Little Way of the Little Flower better known in homes and monasteries in America. At the Carmelite convent he was blessed by priceless interviews with Saint Thérèse's three sisters (who were nuns there), and one of her teachers. At Caen, he visited a fourth sister, who had joined the Visitation order. One third of this book is dedicated to these precious recollections gathered from her living siblings. In fact, one of the eight monographs, Book Five, is completely devoted to the Little Flower's saintly mother Zelie, who died when Thérèse was only four years old.
Cardinal Pietro Parente - 336 pages - Sewn Hardcover
This book is a standard reference for all priests and laymen who make the study of theology an important part of their lifetime reading. It is precise, concise, and very thorough. It was written by the Secretary of the CDF under Pius XII who was an important early 20th century orthodox Catholic theologian.
Pietro Parente (16 February 1891 in Casalnuovo Monterotaro, Italy – 29 December 1986 in Vatican City) was a long-serving theologian in the Holy Office of the Roman Catholic Church, and was made a cardinal on 26 June 1967. At his peak he was regarded as one of the foremost Italian theologians. He served as Secretary for the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith from 1959 to 1965 succeeding Cardinal Ottaviani in that post.During this period of seminary teaching, Parente wrote frequently for the Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano. He gained a reputation for his strongly worded, almost blunt, style of communicating official Church doctrine - something for which he is remembered by almost all those who studied under him. He was the first writer to use the term New Theology to describe the writings of Marie-Dominique Chenu and Louis Charlier in that paper in 1942, and was influential behind the encyclical Humani generis that condemned those theologians eight years later. He was the assessor of most of the cases done by the Holy Office during these years and knew Pope Pius XII personally.
Frances Carpenter - Ilustrated in Color and Black & White - Softcover - 236 pages
Frances Aretta Carpenter (April 30, 1890 – November 2, 1972) was an American folklorist, author, and photographer. She traveled to, and published collections of folk stories from, nations on five continents. This is one in a series of five ‘Grandmother tales’ published by Frances Carpenter in the 1930s and 40s. They were very popular in their time, and they have proved their enduring value to several generations of American children since then. The author spent years researching and preparing these collections of some of the most culturally significant and typical tales from the oral traditions of several nations. Delightfully illustrated and typeset, these stories are perfect for reading to the children by the fireside or after the family’s evening meal or prayers.
Fr. Bernard Weullner, S. J. - PB 172 Pages
Many readers and students of philosophy are familiar with Fr. Weulner’s brilliant and most useful Dictionary of Scholastic Philosophy. Here is another essential work from the master teacher on the philosophic Principles. Principles may well be regarded as the main part of philosophy. They are among the major discoveries of philosophy, condensing in themselves much philosophical inquiry and insight. They are the starting points of much philosophical discussion. They are the base for exposition, for proof, and for criticism. They serve the student and the reader of philosophy much as legal maxims serve jurists and as proverbs serve the people. They are for scholastic philosophers the household truths of their tradition. All our masters of philosophy know these principles well. They use them as a constant set of convictions and as a standard setting on many subjects. Masters like Aristotle and St. Thomas incessantly weave these principles into their writings, and so much so, that familiarity with their principles becomes an indispensable preparation for any intelligent grasp of their works and for any genuine assent to their conclusions.
Frances Carpenter - Ilustrated in Color and Black & White - Softcover - 278 pages
Dr. Robert Hickson - Hardcover - 782 pages
It is a great joy to present to the readers of this volume a collectionof essays written by Dr. Robert Hickson in the course of some fiveyears, in the last stage of his life as a Catholic author.
This book contains around 80 essays, and they are a sequel to thelast set of two volumes that we published, entitled The Collected Essaysof Dr. Robert Hickson (Loreto Publications, 2022), which containedalmost 100 essays written from 2012 until 2018 and published by thewebsite In light of his own life experience as a military man, a literary andphilosophical scholar, a father of ten children, and, most importantly,a defender of the Catholic faith at a time of a great crisis of the CatholicChurch, the essays touch upon a large variety of topics.
Fr. T. J. Campbell, S.J. - PB 382 pages
THE JESUIT RELATIONS are full of details of the life and works of some of the most heroic missionaries ever chronicled. These two volumes could properly be described as a summary of the thousands of documents comprising “The Relations” (as they are commonly named) of those first Jesuits who evangelized the area of North America known as New France from 1642 - 1710.In addition to those Eight Canonized Martyrs the stories of many other pioneer priests are outlined. Some are every bit as astounding as those canonized.Volume One covers those missionaries to the Iroquois and other tribes in New York, Quebec, and New England. Volume Two is primarily about those of Huronia, Ontario, and the Great Lakes states.
Volume One Priests
Isaac JoguesJoseph BressaniJoseph PoncetJulien GarnierSimon LeMoyneClaude DablonJames DeLambervilleRéne MenardJoseph ChaumonotJames FréminPaul RagueneauPeter MilletJohn DeLambervilleJohn PierronStephen DeCarheilPeter RaffeixFrancis BonifaceJames Bruyas
Ebook - pdf only!
Fr. T. J. Campbell, S.J. - PB 462 pages
Volume Two Priests
Peter BiardEnemond MasseJean DeBrebeufAnne NoueGabriel LalemantAntoine DanielCharles LalemantNoel ChabanelJerome LalemantLeonard GarreauCharles Garnier
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Basilica on Mission Hill - Booklet - 20 pages
Ebook - epub, mobi, and pdf
Mission Hill! How many profound memories those two simple words bring to mind for generations of Bostonians—Catholic or not—is testimony to the never-failing love of God and his Blessed Mother for the people of this city. For over 150 years the magnificent Redemptorist Basilica has dom-inated the western skyline of this city where once upon a time it was a capital offense to be, or to harbor, a Catholic priest. But the real story, told briefly in this little book, is that of the thousands of conversions and miraculous healings granted through the presence of the image of Our Lady of Perpetual Help given into the care of the sons of Saint Alphonsus by Blessed Pope Pius IX in 1871 that is enshrined over the high altar within the church.Over the years how many millions of prayers, novenas, and masses have been offered before this image only heaven knows, but the tender mercies of Our Lady for the lovers of her son have been manifest so spectacularly to generations of Bosto-nians and others at this shrine are proof of her maternal so-licitude and testimony to the truth of her title as Our Lady of Perpetual Help.
This is the Image of the Sacred Heart painted by Emanuel Dite, a Czech artist (1862-1944)
This image is printed on glossy paper and is suitable for framing.
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