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490 pages, Soft Cover

1954 Imprimatur Complete edition - Latin & English - PB 5" x 7.75" - 490 pages

This edition has large type and is much more complete than the small edition found on this website at {http://www.loretopubs.org/the-little-office-of-the-blessed-virgin-mary.html}.

"Among its many practises of piety, the eager devotion of the Christian faithful toward the holy Mother of God has treasured for centuries an exercise by which the Virgin Mother of God is especially honored, and which is called the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This devotion has gained a greater following in recent times since the daily recitation of this Office is prescribed by the constitutions of many Congregations, both of Lay Brothers and of Sisters—a regulation meriting the highest praise."     Pope Pius XII

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John Senior, 192, Softcover
Senior's sequel to his well-known and popular the Death of Christian Culture – fittingly entitled the Restoration – examines a few of the elements essential to understand in aiming towards a restoration of the culture of the West bequeathed to us from Greece and Rome and nurtured by the Church. His prose is characteristically excellent and his judgements sharp and critical.
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$34.95 $27.95
Mary Perkins, 232, Cloth Hardcover

Mary Perkins - Cloth Hardcover - 232 pages

Mary Perkins worked for Sheed & Ward publishers in the 1930s and was a close friend of Fr. Leonard Feeney who encourged her to publish this book. It is without doubt the best Latin textbook for a neophyte who wishes to learn well the language of Holy Mother Church. The Latin is taken directly from the Missal and as a teaching tool this book is simple and thorough and not intimidating. Highly recommended, especially for Catholic homeschoolers or anyone new to our language.       

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1565631315, Leo Stelton, 330, Hardcover

Leo Stelton has put to use his years of experience teaching Latin in compiling this concise reference book. The Dictionary of Ecclesiastical Latin includes approximately 17,000 words with the common meaning of Latin terms found in Church writings. Entries cover Scripture, Canon Law, the Liturgy, Vatican II, the early church fathers, and theological students, as well as for those seeking to improve their knowledge of Ecclesiastical Latin. An appendix also provides descriptions of ecclesiastical structures and explains technical terms from ecclesiastical law. The Dictionary of Ecclesiastical Latin has already been widely praised for its serviceability and indespensability in both academic and Church settings. Leo F. Stelten is Professor of Classical Languages at Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio.

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$34.95 $29.95
1932528156, John Senior, 192, Softcover

Senior's well-known and popular treatise is a first-rate scholarly and impassioned expose, linking up the causes of cultural decline, ignorance, and decay across the disciplines of literature, music, and the liberal arts. Senior diagnoses the rot in our culture and provides, in the clearest and most profound terms, a candid and frank assessment.

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$34.95 $29.95
Father Leonard Feeney, Cloth hardcover

Father Leonard Feeney

Hardcover $34.95    PB $19.95

This collection  of poems and other literary works of Father Feeney is not a complete collection, but a large one nonetheless. It includes almost all of four of his best books: Survival Till Seventeen, Fish on Friday, In Towns and Little Towns, and You’d Better Come Quietly, as well as some of his other works. You will rarely encounter another modern Catholic poet and writer with such depth of faith and dramatic power with words as Father Leonard Feeney. Frank Sheed, of Sheed & Ward, his original publisher and a well-known Catholic writer himself, once labeled him “America’s Chesterton”. Coming from a Catholic Englishman, that is a grand compliment indeed for an American Irishman!

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1622920023, Professor Roberto deMattei, 640, Paperback

This book may be ordered now for shipment the first week of January 2013.

By Professor Roberto deMattei - Softcover - 640 pages

No event of the 20th century produced a greater effect upon the Catholic Church than Vatican II, the 21st Ecumenical Council. To many it might seem to have been simply a meeting of important churchmen gathered to discuss church matters, but because the Catholic Church is the only church founded on this earth by God himself to guide men to salvation, the reality is that centuries from now historians will likely consider it, (as well as the message to the world delivered by the Mother of God during her personal visit at Fatima in 1917), as one of the two pivotal events of world history for the recently ended century.

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$36.95 $29.95
Pope Pius XI, edited and annotated by Fr. Joseph Husslein, S. J., 450, Cloth Hardcover

Eighteen Enclicals of Social Reconstruction by Pope Pius XI

Edited and annotated by Fr. Joseph Husslein, S. J. - Cloth Hardcover -450 Pages

Few American Catholics truly understand t he social teachings of the Catholic Church. This may be in part due to the fact that many of he best papal teachings on this subject have either been ignored or  not widely read by Americans. Father Husslein tried very hard to remedy this situation with the publication of two books in 1940 dedicated to solving  this problem. He gathered together all of the encylicals by the two popes who wrote most on  the topic and made certain that the english translations were well organized, accurate, and easily understandable and readable in translation. He also made many notes that are helpful to the reader. The service he performed is treausred by all students of the Church's social doctrine and these two books, so long out of print, are now available agai exactly as they were originally published.

If you have not read many of the encyclicals that were published before the modernization of encyclical writing that took place after the 2nd Vatican Council you are in for a real treat! The brevity, clarity, and chastity of the language will surprise you. Leo is no phenomenological exegete. He speaks the way one would expect the Vicar of Christ to speak, in clear, unambiguous, and manly language that is full of charity and pius unction and truth. No one who reads these most important social encylicals will come away confused. Be warned however, their brevity is deceptive. They are overflowing with profound insights and exhortations, therefore, small doses properly savored and meditated upon is the best way to imbibe the true wisdom and sound doctrine found here.

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