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Blessed Sacrament Prayerbook

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By Father F. X. Lasance - 1913 Edition
Recommended by Pope Pius XI
Black Leather Flex cover – 1248 pages Sewn binding
This is a very complete everyday Catholic prayer book with many novenas, hundreds of indulgenced prayers, the Ordinary of the Mass, Propers for many common feasts and masses, a current chart of moveable feasts, and a special emphasis on all of the prayers necessary and recommended for devotional visits to Our Lord present in the Blessed Sacrament.

  • • Black leather embossed cover
  • • 24k gold stamped lettering and cover image
  • • 3.5” x 6” book format
  • • Gilt edges
  • • Flexible cover
  • • 1248 pages sewn binding
  • • Rounded corners
  • • Satin ribbon page marker
  • • Quality paper
Father F. X. Lasance
Leather Bound

Sample (Blessed_Sacrament_Prayerbook.pdf, 2,500 Kb) [Download]

First off, the design of this prayerbook is absolutely gorgeous: smooth black leather, gold accents, gilded pages, red ribbon bookmark. The prayers themselves are beautiful and there are plenty for every need and occasion. As the title says, this prayerbook is especially useful for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. The print is small, but with the right reading glasses that's not a problem. Perfect prayerbook, and a great purchase!
Quite possibly the most comprehensive (pre-Vatican II) Prayerbook of the Roman Catholic rite. This is a veritable treasure-trove of prayers, containing both familiar standbys, and many that one would be hard-pressed to find elsewhere.
At 1227 pages, it is remarkably compact and easy to carry.
As other reviewers have pointed out, the font is rather small. The serif and "Olde English" style fonts range from (approx.) 3pt to 8pt. Please see the two photos I have provided for a sampling.
Nonetheless, although I often wear drugstore reading glasses (+1.75), I am able to read this prayerbook in its entirety without the glasses, except under low light conditions.

As this Prayerbook's title implies, it is exceptional for use during Eucharistic Adoration.
There are also so many other occasions and situations where the prayers in this book excel.
Since receiving my copy I've constantly had it within reach to read and study when I have a few spare moments.
There is so much rich material here, "exhaustive" is the best way to describe it.

Fr. Lasance's "The Blessed Sacrament Prayerbook" will undoubtedly become a lifelong companion.

The only reason I rated this 4-stars is due to the less than stellar print quality.
The reprint was very clearly done by photo-reproduction/duplication of the original vs. being completely reset.
While I dearly love Loreto Press and the great Catholic classics they bring us, I would really like to see this book in the hands of the reprint masters, Baronius Press.

This has become one of my favourite Prayerbooks and is one that I highly recommend to anyone.

It is the perfect Prayerbook for one's daily edification, and a sturdy classic that will make a beautiful, cherished keepsake for future generations.
The first thing that made me buy this prayer book is the author/compiler. You simply cannot go wrong if it has Father Lasance's name on it. Not just when it comes to missals and prayer books, but to any of the treasures of spiritual reading he authored in his holy life. The book itself is chock full of a veritable storehouse of prayers, for any and all occasions, times, and need. It also contains the Order of the Mass and a wealth of different devotions, from Our Lord and Our Lady under their various glorious titles, to the angels and saints, and for our suffering brethren in Purgatory. The ONLY downside to this book is the print size. It is REALLY, REALLY small. I would suggest using a magnifying glass if you have to, it is that good. I'll use my readers. Lovely book, sturdy cover, very nice gilding of page ends. Highly recommend.
This is wonderful prayer book. It’s contains various methods for praying the Mass, daily prayers, many (dozens?) of suggestions and meditations for Eucharistic adoration, devotions to the Sacred Heart. It also contains devotions that aren’t common these days, such as the Psalter of Jesus. For anyone who prays before the Blessed Sacrament regularly, this is an indispensable resource.
This prayer-book is amazing! It has a lot on the Sacred Heart of Jesus, great morning and evening prayers, the Asperges me, beautiful pictures, Latin and English on many prayers, and lots of other stuff. I have bought other prayer-books of Father Lasance and this is the best one. It feels very durable and well built, too.
quoted from the blog, "The Pertinacious Papist"

Book Review: The Blessed Sacrament Prayerbook

In recent years many wonderful Catholic books have been reprinted. In September, 2009 this column mentioned Blessed Be God, a comprehensive collection of prayers. Today we are pleased to bring to your attention an even better resource, Fr. F.X. Lasance’s Blessed Sacrament Prayerbook, recently reprinted by Loreto Publications (www.loretopubs.org).

Both books are similar, in that they strive to present a complete set of devotional prayers for the entire liturgical year. The Blessed Sacrament Prayerbook, however, excels. It uses a smaller type font and has less white space on the pages, compressing more content onto its pages. Many of the prayers are provided in both Latin and English. It is one of very few books to include the Little Office of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Little Office of the Immaculate Conception, two of the rarely printed, currently indulgenced Little Offices.

The Blessed Sacrament Prayerbook employs florid and traditional language with hierarchical pronouns. The rich language of prayer that one sees in Extraordinary Form hand missals is mirrored in this book. The extensive collection of Morning Prayers is unparalleled. Here is one of them, representative of the content in the rest of the book:
“I adore Thee, O my God – one God in three Persons; I annihilate myself before Thy majesty. Thou alone art being, life, truth, beauty, and goodness. I glorify Thee, I praise Thee, I thank Thee, and I love Thee, all incapable and unworthy as I am, in union with Thy dear Son, Jesus Christ, our Saviour and our Father, in the mercifulness of His Heart and through His infinite merits. I wish to serve Thee, to please Thee, to obey Thee, and to love Thee always, in union with Mary immaculate, Mother of God and our mother, loving also and serving my neighbor for Thy sake. Therefore, give me Thy Holy Spirit to enlighten, correct, and guide me in the way of Thy commandments, and in all perfection, until we come to the happiness of heaven, where we shall glorify Thee for ever. Amen.”
One caution to readers: Because the book is a literal reprint, and not an updated version, the citations concerning Indulgences no longer apply. The rules for Indulgences were revised after the Second Vatican Council, thus none of the references are still in effect. Nevertheless, the book remains a marvelous resource for private prayer, for Holy Hours, and for quick visits to the Blessed Sacrament.

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