
Sources of Catholic Dogma, The (Denzinger)

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In this age of doctrinal latitude and speculative innovation there is a pressing need for a comprehensive source book on authentic Catholic dogma that is magisterially anchored while at the same time both practical and non-voluminous. You have such a book in this English translation of Father Heinrich Denzinger’s Enchiridion Symbolorum et Definitionum. Since it was first published a century and a half ago, this handbook or collection (enchiridion) of articles (symbols) of faith and morals has enjoyed universal appeal and approbation since the pontificate of Blessed Pope Pius IX. The Enchiridion has been updated periodically; the edition being offered here by Loreto is that issued in 1957. The collection includes all articles and creeds of the Catholic Faith beginning with that of the twelve apostles, all dogmatic definitions stamped with the Petrine authority of the apostolic See (ex cathedra), decrees of the solemn magisterium, papal bulls, encyclicals and letters, as well as some of the more weighty decisions of the Holy Office prior to 1957. Although not every entry in this 653 page compendium of Church teaching is definitional (i.e. ex cathedra) it still should be considered the "locutus est" for every wayfaring Catholic whose patria, this side of heaven, is Roma. In addition to a general index there is a scriptural index plus an invaluable systematic or topical index making for very easy reference. Note, too, this edition comes with a one page Corrigenda which is a list of sixteen corrections that must be applied to errors (usually omissions) that escaped the eyes of editors in previous editions.

Henry Denzinger
Timeless traditions of the Catholic Church explained. Non-Catholics should also get hold of this book for complete understanding of the complex theology and traditions of the Holy Mother Church.
Denziger provides in one volume all the major conciliar decrees of the Catholic church before Vatican II. This resource is not just for Roman Catholics, but for anyone who is interested in the ancient, undivided church of the first thousand years. There are invaluable councils such as the Synod of Orange that adopted a modified approach to St. Augustine and other later councils that continued to address Augustine and the predestination issue. Trent and Vatican I and much more are all here.
Heinrich ["Henry"] Joseph Dominicus Denzinger (1819-1883) was a German priest, theologian, and professor of theology He died on 19 June 1883 at Würzburg. This book contains more than 200 documents, beginning from the Apostles' Creed, and ending with the definition of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary [a number of documents were added by other theologians/editors after Denzinger's death].

The book includes Creeds, followed by documents of various Roman Pontiffs; pronouncements of Councils [e.g., Trent, Vatican I, Vatican II], etc. The "Syllabus of Errors" by Pius IX against Modernism is included, for example (pg. 435-442), as is the First Vatican Council pronouncement of Papal Infallibility (Pg. 455-457); the "Oath Against the Errors of Modernism" (Pg. 549-551), etc.

This is an invaluable reference work for Catholic theology and history; the "updated" edition is exceptionally helpful, for including such a wide variety of historical documents in one convenient location.

The only "regret" one might have is that Denzinger provides no "commentary" or "historical introduction" to the various documents.
Knowledge of the Catholic Dogma is essential especially for every Catholic. As a traditional Catholic, this book "The Sources of Catholic Dogma" is a great reference as one get to learn what the Catholic Church is all about before Vatican II. Also, we should make an effort to learn about them especially to become a good Catholic especially during the present era of modernism wherein sin has become a way of life and when God has been placed aside by many people in the world today due to obsession to earthly rewards rather than spiritual blessings.
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