Douglas Bersaw gives a class on the history and influence of Freemasonry on the Supreme Court in the United States. One of the sources used for this class was the book by Paul Fisher entitled Behind the Lodge Door. This excellent book is an explanation of how the Masonic Lodges have affected this most important institution of our Republic. The entire history of the court is covered with particular attention paid to the latter half of the 20th Century and the influence of FDR and the modern "partnership" between the Masons and the Court.
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Included is a list of all the Supreme Court justices from the founding of the U.S. nation.
Lecture Titles:
1.) Introductory Remarks
2.) Introductory Remarks, pt. 2
3.) The Philosophy of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes
4.) Freemasonry in the Early Days of the United States
5.) The Philosophy of Freemasonry
6.) The Snake in the Grass: Masonry in Different Forms
7.) The Beginning of Subversion
8.) Hugo Black and the Klu Klux Klan
9.) The Supreme Court and Education
10.) The Everson Case
11.) The Supreme Court and Its Powers
12.) The Masonic Control of the American Catholic Church
13.) Conclusion
This is one of numerous courses given over many years, from the late 1980’s until the new century began by Douglas Bersaw.
He and Br. Francis M.I.C.M., the superior of the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary at Saint Benedict Center in Richmond New Hampshire, drove together to the Boston area, where Saint Benedict Center was founded, in order to give classes every Thursday night. These classes were given as part of a program of education established by Br. Francis for the training of Catholic lay apostles who wished to work for the conversion of America to the Catholic religion, and which is known as the Saint Augustine Institute of Catholic Studies.
These classes lasted between 60 minutes and 90 minutes, and for many years the time was shared by both teachers. Eventually, due to age and disability, Br. Francis ceased his travels, but he had Mr. Bersaw continue the work on his own. Due to the lack of sophisticated recording equipment and various deficiencies of the recording circumstances, the quality of all of the recordings is not perfect. Modern digital enhancement has helped somewhat to remedy this.
These classes are the portion of the evening that was presented, under Br. Francis’ inspiration and at his direction, by his Third Order disciple. There are moments in these talks where Br. Francis is referred to. We decided not to edit out these references (even though the references may seem out of place now that the courses have been separated) but simply to let the listener know to whom they refer.
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Influence of Freemasonry on the US Supreme Court - Douglas Bersaw
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