
Ebook - Natural Family Planning and the Christian Moral Code


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Jeanne Dvorak - 88 pages - EBOOK as PDF, EPUB, or Kindle

This book was written by a Catholic mother of 14 and grand-mother of 50 and counting…. It reiterates the constant and never-changing Catholic teaching on NFP.

The Catholic faithful have been mislead into thinking that NFP (it is ANYTHING but natural and does not produce families - it damages them) is not contrary to the Catholic faith. Acceptance of this fatal error has afflicted many Catholics for the last 70 years, and the acceptance of that practice has caused untold suffering and the decay and destruction of countless Catholic marriages and families. This short and powerful book will demolish any notions you may entertain that one can live a faithful and holy life while practicing “Catholic birth control.” There is no such thing!
NFP is contrary to Nature and to God's will. God plans families—not us.

Natural Family Planning and the Christian Moral Code by Jeanne Dvorak, is in its fourth printing. This book reaffirms that NFP was just a novel and sinful introduction to the modern Catholic world. This compact treatise now includes a 1940 letter from the Archbishop of St. Paul, MN, in which NFP is condemned. Natural Family Planning and the Christian Moral Code does more than just examine the negative. It allays fears and bolsters confidence through its many stories and examples of obedient Catholic parents living their family life with faith and trust in God. Children are the first purpose of marriage – better to have them on your lap than on your conscience!

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