

These beautiful full color traditional altar cards include many of the key prayers of the Ordinary of the Mass. They are a must for any priest who says the Latin Mass but does not have the Canon committed to memory. The tabernacle card is 12''x18'' the Epistle and Gospel side cards are 12''x 9''. All three sets are printed in full color using archival quality ink and paper. You may laminate them on wood plaques or have them framed according to the needs of your particular altar furnishings. Included are the Last Gospel, Lavabo, Offertory, Consecration, and all of the other prayers required to be easily read by the priest during the Holy Sacrifice.

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These beautiful full color traditional altar cards include many of the key prayers of the Ordinary of the Mass. They are a must for any priest who says the Latin Mass but does not have the Canon committed to memory. The tabernacle card is 12''x18'' the Epistle and Gospel side cards are 12''x 9''. All three sets are printed in full color using archival quality ink and paper. You may laminate them on wood plaques or have them framed according to the needs of your particular altar furnishings. Included are the Last Gospel, Lavabo, Offertory, Consecration, and all of the other prayers required to be easily read by the priest during the Holy Sacrifice.

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These beautiful full color traditional altar cards include many of the key prayers of the Ordinary of the Mass. They are a must for any priest who says the Latin Mass but does not have the Canon committed to memory. The tabernacle card is 12''x18'' the Epistle and Gospel side cards are 12''x 9''. All three sets are printed in full color using archival quality ink and paper. You may laminate them on wood plaques or have them framed according to the needs of your particular altar furnishings. Included are the Last Gospel, Lavabo, Offertory, Consecration, and all of the other prayers required to be easily read by the priest during the Holy Sacrifice.

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6" x 8.5" folded size

Roman Rite Folding Travel Altar Cards


Description: Leatherette bound (magenta), 6" x 8.5" folded size, has a gold stamped cover, with a magnetic security closure strip (not pictured above.) The design has been improved to be clearer and easier to read! Placement of Credo is lower-left. These beautiful cards are for the 1962 Missal used with the Traditional or Extradordinary Form.

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Audio Format: Mp3 CD Total Running Time: 5 hours, 29 Minutes  Douglas Bersaw provides a comprehensive course on the three fundamental errors of our...
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0971828628, George O’Brien, 155, Softcover

George O'Brien
“In the Department of Human Affairs concerned with the economic activities of man, the old universally accepted code of justice fell into disregard, if not into ridicule; and its place was taken, on the one hand, by the theory that the only safe guide for man to follow in these affairs is his own personal interest, and, on the other hand, and partly as a reaction against this repulsive theory, that the individual has no right of initiative at all, but that his whole being must be subordinated to the welfare of the community. Both these theories would have been equally disapproved by the old, despised ethical authority of the Middle Ages, under whose régime they could not have flourished or developed; but, at the time when they arose, that old authority was no longer universally accepted, and there was no power in Europe strong enough to withstand the march of these two dangerous doctrines. The path to both Capitalism and Socialism had been opened by the Reformation.”

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1605700258, Hilaire Belloc, 112, Paperback
This essay will help a great deal in educating the reader in regard to the problem and the remedy. Belloc provides a lucid and straightforward analysis of the prevalent demise of the social order in Christendom, while, at the same time, laying out a truly Catholic economic system that can gradually – if there is a growth of interest and desire – be planted and nurtured. Such a system, which the great thinker calls distributism, will only materialize if it grows naturally in this or that local environment ready and determined to assimilate it organically. Both Capitalism (note: not free enterprise) and Communism (along with its weak sister, Socialism) are completely condemned and exposed for the anti-Catholic, self-defeating and self-destructive economic structures that they are. This book was not written to condemn industry (or technology). Man is inventive by nature. When he manufactures a product he assumes that the product is a good that will enhance the quality of the multiple activities that make for an abundant life. What Belloc sees as destructive, and the reader will find it obvious, is the usurpation of ownership of the means of production (i.e., property) by a wealthy oligarchy of financiers. What we end up with is the crushing of the local and independent tradesman, craftsman, baker and farmer and their replacement by the monopoly. As the brilliantly written introduction to this book by IHS Press puts it: Belloc's vision was nothing less than "a science of reality, based upon a conception not merely of what is . . . but, more importantly, of what ought to be according to the divine and natural law."
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1930278837, Rev. Dr. Nicholas Gihr, 76, Softover Booklet

Fr. Nicholas Gihr - Small Book - 72 Pages

It is a common and well grounded lament that in teaching the Word of God that the doctrine concerning the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity is to a large extent sadly neglected. Other spiritual writers are of the same opinion. These considerations justify every effort to further the devotion to the Holy Spirit among the clergy and the laity by a thoroughgoing explanation of the exceedingly meritorious Pentecost Sequence.

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