
About our company

Laudetur Jesus Christus!

Hand carved
marble screen covering the Holy House inside the Loreto Shrine Church

Welcome to our website. Loreto Publications is a Catholic missionary apostolate specializing in the publication and distribution of Catholic books designed to aid Catholics in their efforts to convert America to the Catholic religion and to aid the ministers of the Church in their apostolic and ministerial duties and apostolates. We were founded in  May 1999 and took our name from the famous Litany of Loreto, which is the Catholic Church's special prayer of homage to the Mother of God. It was in the humble house of Nazareth in which she and Saint Joseph protected, loved, raised, and schooled the little child God-man, our Lord and Redeemer Jesus Christ. The house is now in the Italian city of Loreto and is known as the Holy House of Loreto. The Litany was first chanted there in the fourteenth century.

Our principles of publication are these:

  1. We intend to make available only those works that are completely in line with Catholic dogma and morals and to defend and promote the Catholic religion with no compromises.
  2. We wish to have our own published works printed and bound using high quality materials and graphics. We are able sometimes to assist priests, missionaries, and prison ministries with free or reduced cost books as finances allow. Please contact us for details.
  3. We do sometimes distribute the work of other Catholic publishers but ONLY if it meets all of our criteria and is of lasting value.


A picture of the altar in the
Holy HouseOur principles of operation are as follows:

  1. Full and fair value shall be supplied to all of our customers at all times. Our goal is to have NO unsatisfied customers.
  2. We promise a fair, honest, and prudent use of all donations made to us for use in the missionary apostolate we are laboring in.
  3. We offer our employees a just wage for a day's labor.
  4. We intend to operate always according to Catholic moral and social principles.
  5. We wish to remain dependant upon Our Lady for the monetary needs of the apostolate and not the usurious banking system. Catholic publishing partnerships are offered so that fellow Catholics may assist our apostolate by investing their own funds, thereby gaining a small but legitimate profit for themselves and allowing Loreto to capitalize our apostolate without recourse to the banks.


Our apostolate has been consecrated to Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary and has chosen St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus as our special patron and protector. She visited the Holy House of Loreto. It was her favorite shrine in all of Christendom.


A. Sansovino sculptor - Nativity scene from the Marble Shrine
covering the Holy House of Loreto

All of us who labor in this apostolate with our families are militant Roman Catholics loyal to the Holy Father, faithful to the Magisterium of the Church, and Consecrated to Jesus through Mary according to the True Devotion of St. Louis Marie de Montfort. We are far more afraid of disappointing Our Lady than we are of any "failure" in a wordly or financial sense. She is in charge of our apostolate, and we pray that She will make it the finest Catholic book publishing apostolate in America.

When you begin to benefit from our work and our publications you will be inspired to assist us in any way you are able; of that we are confident.

May the blessings of Almighty God and the tender protection of St. Thérèse, St. Joseph, and the Mother of God remain upon you always.

Loreto Publications
P.O. Box 603
Fitzwilliam, NH 03447

603 - 239 - 6671

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