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978-0931888052, Warren H. Carroll, 138, Softcover

Warren Carroll
Since the earliest days of the Church, there has been no date more crucial to universal Christendom than the year 1917. We are still living the horror of the aftermath of the Communist rebellion; and, on the other hand, we are still living under the hope, yet to be fulfilled, of Our Lady of Fatima'’s promises. 1917: Red Banners, White Mantle introduces these two principal world events of that year one heavenly, one diabolical; the consequences under which we still live. On the one side we see the unholy, Rasputin and Lenin, on the other we see the marshaling of the holy, under Mary, the enlisting of whose troops began with three shepherd children of Portugal. The scourge, in all its historical force and brutality, is vividly related against the backdrop of the healing remedy, the old serpent spitting against the heel of the Woman about to crush his head. Few readers will put this book down before the story reaches its conclusion.

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Saint John Eudes, 290, Softcover

Saint John Eudes - PB - 290 pages

Never, in the history of the Church, had any tribute to Our Lady'’s childhood been composed which so marvelously applies so many texts of holy scripture with sound Catholic doctrine and the wisdom of her confessors until Saint John Eudes composed this book. Where do we begin if we are ever to become like the little children God wishes us to emulate? Why not begin by contemplating the immaculate life of the precious and most humble maiden of Nazareth.

Saint John Eudes wrote these profoundly affective pages not only for the educators of young Christian women in his own time but for all time. What better example for the education of Catholic maidens than the most admirable early life of Mary, the “glory of Israel,” as she advanced in wisdom and grace in the days of her preparation for her divine maternity. Father Eudes wishes the faithful to behold the “New Eve,” conceived of such holy parents, Joachim and Anne, and reflect upon her perfect charity, her manifold virtues and her uninterrupted contemplation from the moment of her Immaculate Conception to her consuming “fiat,” which truly compelled, in a most wonderful way, the Son of God to come and “rest within her tabernacle.” This study of the holy childhood of the Mother of God is exactly what the title says. To be sure, other works, based upon private revelation, treat of the Blessed Virgin’s early years, but there is no book that specifically treats of the holiness itself of the wondrous child, accumulating its mass of material from the inspired revelation of the sacred scriptures, the liturgical use of the same (as applied by the Church to Our Lady’s feastdays) and the common testimony of the our Catholic fathers and doctors.

Saint John Eudes was born at Ri, a country parish near Caen, Normandy, in 1601. Endowed with extraordinary talents and filled with burning zeal for the salvation of souls, he devoted 50 years of life, until his death in 1680, to the preaching of missions and to the organization of ecclesiastical seminaries. He founded the Congregation of Jesus and Mary, generally known as the Eudist Fathers, for missionary and seminary work; the Order of Our Lady of Charity with its two observances of the Refuge and the of the Good Shepherd; the Society of the Most Admirable Heart for lay persons aspiring to perfection in the world; and lastly, Confraternities of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary for the propagation among the faithful of the devotion, of which he was the first apostle. He wrote the first Mass and Office for the special feast in honor of the Sacred Heart and of the Holy Heart of Mary, which he established thirty years before the revelations of Saint Margaret Mary.

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Dom Jacques Houlier , 80 Pages, Paperback

Dom Jacques Houlier - PB – 80 Pages
This beautiful and contemplative book, reflecting upon the characteristics of Gregorian chant that have attracted the attention of so many: its permanence, beauty, and history, as well as its liturgical, sacred, and philosophical qualities is well worth spending some time with.     

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1557250553, Dom Eugenie Cardine, 50, Paperback

Dom Eugenie Cardine - PB – 50 pages
Modern chant enthusiasts owe a great debt to Solesmes monk DomEugène Cardine (1905-1988), whose tireless research in the ancient manuscripts uncovered the elusive secrets of Gregorian Rhythm, thus revealing some of the original pristine beauty of Gregorian chant. In this volume, Dom Cardine sums up the origin, decline and restoration of the chant, and challenges researchers to continue his work.

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1930278985, Br. Charles Madden, OFM Conv., 86, Paperback

Br. Charles Madden, OFM Conv. - 88 pages Small Book

Just like the Four Green Fields of the famous Ballad, the articles comprising this book are arrayed like glittering gems in four sections entitled’ Our Lady, The Saints, Church History and Christian Living. These essays appeared over a period of thirty years in Immaculata Magazine, the publication issued from Marytown, the American headquarters of the Conventual Franciscans, St. Maximilian Kolbe’s Knights of the Immaculata.
The Message of the title is the same message that the Church of Jesus Christ has been uttering for over 2000 years, the message of the Gospel of Salvation, but with a special urgency and a special messenger—Our Lady Queen of Angels—who has visited her world many times, and in many guises, over the last two hundred years in order to bring her children a special Message, so well described by Bro. Charles Madden, her son.
Such titles as,  To Sanctify, Teach, and Rule, As Moslems See Mary, The Chair of St. Peter, Angels in our Lives, Catholics in Freemasonry, The Fire of St. Patrick, Home-schooling: A Positive Good, A Commentary on Legalized Usury, and Our Lady of the New Millenium, promise something for all Catholic readers.

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1930278764, Saint Leonard of Port Maurice , 80, Paperback

Saint Leonard of Port Maurice - 80 Pages - softcover booklet

This book is exactly what the title implies, sound advice for the healing of souls in the confessional. Saint Leonard was one of the great confessors of all time. He was a Franciscan and a missionary preacher.

Approbation of His Eminence Paul Cardinal Cullen

Blessed [sic] Leonard of Port Maurice, in Italy, was a distinguished missionary in the last [i.e. nineteenth] century, who gained many souls to God by his preaching and his writings. His works were published in Rome in thirteen volumes in 1853, and duly approved. The treatise now published in English, and entitled Counsels to Confessors, has been always considered to be a most useful and valuable guide in the administration of the sacrament of penance. As I have been informed that the translation, which has been made by a skillful theologian, faithfully expresses the opinions and feelings of the holy author, I am happy to recommend it to those who have the direction of the consciences of others, hoping that they will derive light and instruction from the words of a most holy and zealous laborer in the vineyard of the Lord.

+ Paul Card. Cullen,
Archbishop of Dublin.



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1930278012, Br. Francis, M.I.C.M., 390, Softcover

Br. Francis Maluf, M.I.C.M.Without sound philosophy to set the limits of scientific inquiry and regulate its modern tendency for cosmological usurpation, science degenerates into scientism. God is the Creator of the universe. All things are ordered to His ends. All matter is at the ultimate service of man’s supernatural vocation. This course was given in the spirit of St. Thomas Aquinas, the “Doctor of Creation.” Nature and the fidelity thereof, matter, space and time, substance and accidents, wisdom and the laws of nature, unicity and the four causes, and finally, the culminating chapter on the final cause, or teleology (purpose) of things, make a captivating study for every man and woman who wishes to be childlike and repose in the contemplative embrace of wonder.

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