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Romano Amerio, 786, Paperback

Professor Romano Amerio - PB 816 pages
Romano Amerio, Italian by nationality, was a man of broad and classical erudition, who taught philosophy, Greek and Latin at the Academy of Lugano, Switzerland from 1928 to 1970. He was an episcopal consultant to the Central Preparatory Commission of Vatican II and was a peritus for the Bishop of Lugano during the Council. A true insider to the Council’s activities. He was a friend of the late Cardinal Siri of Genoa and died in 1997. This is the best book written so far on the philosopy and theology of the Council.
334 topic-sections in forty-two chapters covering, among many other things:
The Crisis, The Crises of the Church, The Council: Before, During and After, Paul VI, The Priesthood, Youth, Women, Somatolatry, Penance, Religious and Social Movements, Schools, Catechetics, Religious Orders, Pyrrhonism, Dialogue, Mobilism, Faith, Hope and Charity, Natural Law, Divorce, Sodomy, Abortion, Suicide, Death Penalty, War, Situation Ethics, Globality and Graduality, The Autonomy of Values, Work, Technology and Contemplation, Civilization and Secondary Christianity, Democracy in the Church, Theology and Philosophy, Ecumenism, Baptism, Eucharist, Liturgical Reform, Matrimony, Theodicy, Eschatology, and MUCH MUCH more!

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G. K. Chesterton, 152, Softcover

Chesterton's visit to Ireland in early 1918 resulted in this unique, readable, and thought-provoking book on Ireland and the Irish situation of the early 20th-century from one of England's greatest essayists. In Irish Impressions, familiar Chestertonian themes — distribution of property, industrialism, the Faith and Christian society — are discussed in the context of Ireland's struggle for national and cultural independence from the Britain of the early 1900s. Not mincing words, Chesterton points out both the strengths and weakness of the English and Irish positions during that crucial period, always with wit and wisdom — and an appreciation of religious, cultural, and economic essentials, which is characteristic of Chesterton's work. Originally published: London, 1919.

IHS Press is extremely pleased to be able to offer with this newly edited, extensively footnoted edition, a new Preface by Dr. Dermot Quinn.

Dr. Quinn is an Associate Professor of History at Seton Hall University, and an intimate friend and colleague of Fr. Ian Boyd of Seton Hall's Chesterton Institute. Quinn received his doctorate from Oxford University, is author of Patronage and Piety: The Politics of English Roman Catholicis, 1850 — 1900 (Stanford University Press, 1993), and is a frequent contributor to The Chesterton Review.

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1930278470, Dr. Paul Lavin and Robert Lavin, 337, Paperback

Dr. Paul Lavin & Robert Lavin

Without knowing anything about the man whose life is recounted on these pages, The Iron Man of China may seem a curious title. Except for a year furlough home in the states, Father Lavin served the Chinese people for twenty years (1932-1953), traversing thousands of miles by foot or bicycle, and exposing himself every day to life threatening dangers. In 1953 the Communists expelled him from the mainland threatening him with death if he should ever return. This well-documented book, written by the Iron Man’s nephew, illustrates one of the reasons why there are ten million Catholics, loyal to Rome, in China today.

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Warren H. Carroll, 385

Isabel of Spain has always captivated historians, pro and con. According to historian Warren Carroll, she was not only the greatest woman monarch to rule in Christendom, but she is also eminently canonizable. A woman of prayer and courageous action, she was also a devoted wife and mother. Spain was far from a great Catholic country when Isabel came to full power in 1474. After eight hundred years of Moslem occupancy, much of the country was still under the enemy’s yoke. Even before she had married Prince Ferdinand of Aragon and united the country, the Princess of Castile had managed to restore order and discipline to her own morally dissipated province. After the reconquest of Granada, the Moslem’s last stronghold, she had the liberty to finance the expedition of Columbus. Many of her other virtues are chronicled by Doctor Carroll: her patience in suffering, her endurance of betrayals, and, most importantly, her unmitigating support for, and oftentimes her personal initiation of, ecclesiastical reform.

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Warren H. Carroll, 232, Softcover
The author uses the adjective last proximately, not numerically. This most recent Catholic crusade was fought in Spain in the year 1936. It was fought by the good in hope that a dynasty once proudly called “most Catholic” would rise again to rule this great country. When the Spanish Civil War is dealt with, even in Catholic colleges, the Communist revolutionaries are lauded as freedom fighters, while the loyal Catholic forces under General Franco are dubbed “reactionaries.” The heroic General himself is portrayed a “fascist dictator.” As Carroll demonstrates in this shuddering account of what really happened that year in Spain, this war was not civil at all. The agenda of the forces fighting against Franco was not to liberate an oppressed people, rather it was to bury the monarchy and the Catholic Church. Sending eleven bishops and 6,832 priests and religious to their martyrdoms, they nearly succeeded. This book reads as much like a martyrology as it does Spanish history.
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   Everyone has a great memory! Most people just never learn how to properly train and use it. This tape will help you. We employ Fr. Feeney’s best teaching...
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9781622921539, 288, Leather Hard Cover
This beautiful little shirt pocket sized prayerbook is only 3" x 5" and less than 1/2 inch thick, yet it contains almost 300 pages of wonderful prayers. This book contains every prayer, meditation, novena, and Mass for the Holy souls that you could imagine. It is a treasure for those who love the Holy Souls and wish to pray TO and FOR our dearly departed. It was the official Manual of the Purgatorian Society promoted under the auspices of the Redemptorists. This edition was published during the second world war in 1941 and was extremely popular among Catholic Americans during the war years. This is a much nicer and handier version of the paperback edition that Loreto has been selling for years.
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Soft Cover

This is the best defense of the Catholic Church that we have ever read! A terrific response to Protestant Fundamentalists, every non-Catholic who claims to follow Christ, and especially all of our relatives, friends and neighbors who have stopped practicing the Catholic Faith. Answers a myriad of salvation questions and challenges the liberal Catholic education and training that most Americans have received. Answers with solid, charitable, easy-to-read logic mixed with clear, strong irrefutable doses of Scriptural truth and teachings from the Popes, Councils and Saints. A powerful help in restoring unity in Christ and His Catholic Church and an extremely useful source for settling religious disputes and difficulties with those we care about. Great! Bibliography and Index. 109pp. PB.

Special discount for 10 or more copies $5.21 each

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