Hilaire Belloc - EBOOK - PDF
“As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be”…
This well known phrase could have easily been utilized in the introduction to this exceptional history of the religions of mankind that have come to birth in that portion of the world that has been the home of men since the beginning of the world and which to this day is the center of the stage where the story of our race is being played out. The epic battles among men for control of Syria and Palestine continue, and the Church still offers, as one of the primary prayer intentions of the Popes, the invitation to her faithful to Pray for the Recovery of the Holy Land.
In the 20th century as today, the land that once harbored the incarnate God and his holy family and disciples has now been criminally invaded by those men who, once upon a time, cried out on the very spot that they now have conquered, (with the connivance and invaluable and relentless assistance of the governments of the formerly Christian West), “Crucify Him!” and “We will not have this Man to reign over us!”
This land of Syria and Palestine that had been under the power of that degenerate and infidel cult known as Mohammedanism for over 1000 years has been cruelly and brutally wrested from its inhabitants by the Mammonites of the West allied with the racist Jewish sect known as Zionism, which is considered by traditional Jews to be a heresy from Judaism. Meanwhile, the rest of the world is fast slipping into that original darkness of men known as paganism or demon worship.
All of the various “religions” of men are still at war on that precious piece of land that the great Belloc has described in this masterful work as the battleground. In the end we know that Christ, who walked this land, will again be hailed there with the cry that once resounded outside of the gates of Jerusalem, “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” Only one question remains…when?
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