
St. John Eudes, 336, Softcover
Herein are delineated not only the standards, but also sound advice on how to maintain them and how to achieve, for the greatest possible glory of God, the heights of efficacy and sanctity possible through the sublime office of the priesthood. Primarily directed to the priest, this incomparable series of treatises and meditations should also be profitably read by all Catholics and even those non-Catholics who are interested to discover what the Church holds and teaches regarding the priesthood. Nothing but good can come from a wide dissemination and a thorough understanding of the principles and admonitions enunciated here by one of the great French priests of the 17th century.
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Hilaire Belloc and Cecil Chesterton, 160, Softcover
The Party System, co-authored by Hilaire Belloc and the brother of G.K.C., is a frontal assault on parliamentary democracy. The authors favor representative government but argue convincingly that modern Parliaments and Congresses are the antithesis of true representation. Bearing out what is illustrated by the current political paralysis on almost every important social question from war to poverty to finance, this book reads like it was written as an answer to today’s problems. A welcome breath of fresh air. Forward by Ron Paul, Introduction by Sforza Ruspoli.
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£18.59 £15.93
Anthony Cooney, 320, Softcover
A compelling historical novel about England’s patron, and an evocative picture of 3rd-century Christianity and Roman life in general.
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Godfrey Kurth, 160, Softcover

A remarkable survey of the ability of the Catholic Church to surmount crises posed by civil society while maintaining its nature unchanged. Kurth, a leading Belgian historian of the late 19th and early 20th century, condenses 2,000 years of peace, turbulence, and resolve into a fast-paced, afternoon read.

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1932528105, Various, 240, Hardcover

A New Statement of an Old Ideal

Obliterating the notion that there are only two choices - right and left - for perspectives on social and economic life, this apologia by twelve Catholics for a socio-economic life based upon the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church offers an outline of independent operator-owners, regulative guilds, and economic science subortinated to morality and the genuine needs of mankind.

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£16.46 £14.34
John Senior, 192, Softcover
Senior's sequel to his well-known and popular the Death of Christian Culture – fittingly entitled the Restoration – examines a few of the elements essential to understand in aiming towards a restoration of the culture of the West bequeathed to us from Greece and Rome and nurtured by the Church. His prose is characteristically excellent and his judgements sharp and critical.
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£18.59 £14.34
1932528156, John Senior, 192, Softcover

Senior's well-known and popular treatise is a first-rate scholarly and impassioned expose, linking up the causes of cultural decline, ignorance, and decay across the disciplines of literature, music, and the liberal arts. Senior diagnoses the rot in our culture and provides, in the clearest and most profound terms, a candid and frank assessment.

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These beautiful full color traditional altar cards include many of the key prayers of the Ordinary of the Mass. They are a must for any priest who says the Latin Mass but does not have the Canon committed to memory. The tabernacle card is 12''x18'' the Epistle and Gospel side cards are 12''x 9''. All three sets are printed in full color using archival quality ink and paper. You may laminate them on wood plaques or have them framed according to the needs of your particular altar furnishings. Included are the Last Gospel, Lavabo, Offertory, Consecration, and all of the other prayers required to be easily read by the priest during the Holy Sacrifice.

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