
Latin & Latin Mass

Benedict Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, 128, Paperback

Benedict Sisters of Perpetual Adoration - 128 pages PB 5.5" x 8.5"

A devotional explanation of the prayers, ceremonies, and mysteries of the Holy Sacrifice, and of the benefits to be derived from devout participation.

Pope Saint Pius X, almost a century ago, encouraged the faithful to “Pray the Mass” as a part of his efforts at liturgical renewal.
After nearly a half-century of liturgical “renewal” which largely consisted of “experiments” with the Holy Sacrifice that went beyond the wildest imaginings of that holy pope, our current pontiff, Pope Benedict XVI, has issued his Motu Proprio entitled Summorum Pontificum, in which he urges the Bishops to encourage and aid the celebration of the liturgy of the Roman rite in the ancient form which had been in universal use until 1962.

For those faithful who have remained attached to the liturgy that has been essentially unchanged for over 1400 years, or for those just discovering the immemorial rite, this book will provide a thorough and deeply reflective explanation of all of the rubrics, prayers, and actions of the Holy Sacrifice.  This book, that was first published in the 1930s by the Benedictine Convent of Perpetual Adoration, is written in a style suitable to laymen of all levels of education. It is a thorough presentation and is based upon sound Catholic theological and liturgical principles.

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Mary Perkins, 232, Cloth Hardcover

Mary Perkins - Cloth Hardcover - 232 pages

Mary Perkins worked for Sheed & Ward publishers in the 1930s and was a close friend of Fr. Leonard Feeney who encourged her to publish this book. It is without doubt the best Latin textbook for a neophyte who wishes to learn well the language of Holy Mother Church. The Latin is taken directly from the Missal and as a teaching tool this book is simple and thorough and not intimidating. Highly recommended, especially for Catholic homeschoolers or anyone new to our language.       

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