By John F. McManus - 244 pages PB - EBOOK - PDF, Kindle, & EPUB
This book, written by a prominent and well known Catholic American, is
the product of almost seventy years of close observation and deep study in a
turbulent world of rapid change and degradation of church and society.
Recently, the courageous Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò published an acknowledgment
of the problems discussed in this book in his now world famous Open Letter to
President Trump where he spoke of Freemasonry and the ‘deep church’. Because
that letter appeared as this book was going to press, The Deep Church Revealed
was added to the original title as a fitting description of its content.
The revealing begins with a description of the Enlightenment philosophers
and their anti-Catholic hatred, and the author proceeds from there to detail in
forty-one astonishing chapters the story of how those men and the organizations
they inspired grew and and spread their pernicious doctrines throughout the
world and the Church.
The plans that these Freemasonic organizations laid were remarkably successful,
even though vigorously opposed by every Pope for over 200 years. “An
enemy hath done this” Our Lord said in the parable of the wheat and the cockles.
Truly, this can be said today of the situation in His Church. The holy and
vigilant Padre Pio told Fr. Luigi Villa in 1963 when he assigned Fr. Villa the task
of exposing these enemies “Courage, courage, courage! For the Church is already
invaded by Freemasonry that has already reached the Pope’s slippers.”
We are thankful to Mr. McManus for telling this story briefly, succinctly,
and with unbounded love for our Holy Mother the Church. He advises us,
like Saint Peter, “Be sober and watchful, for your adversary the devil goeth
about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Whom ye should
resist, fortes in fide.”
Table of Contents
Loreto Editor’s Preface..................................................................
Introduction: Catholicism’s Numbers Shrinking Dramatically......
Chapter 1: Christ Started Only One Church................................
Chapter 2: “Enlightenment” Wreaks Its Havoc............................
Chapter 3: Voltaire Leads Unwary Away From the Church..........
Chapter 4: Harmful Contributions of Rousseau and Diderot.......
Chapter 5: Tolerance Becomes Dominant, Truth and Norms Jettisoned...............................................................................
Chapter 6: Freemasonry Spawns the Illuminati............................
Chapter 7: Illuminati Establishes a Base in America.....................
Chapter 8: France Overwhelmed by 1789 Revolution..................
Chapter 9: Emergence of The Carbonari; Its Instructions to Followers................................................................................
Chapter 10: Letter of Piccolo Tigre..............................................
Chapter 11: Rise of Giuseppe Mazzini; Creation of Young Italy...
Chapter 12: The Heroic Pope Pius IX..........................................
Chapter 13: Reign of Pope Leo XIII; Elevation of Cardinal Rampolla................................................................................
Chapter 14: Cardinal Rampolla’s Bid to Become Pope Blocked; Pius X Elected........................................................................
Chapter 15 Pope Pius X and Cardinal Merry del Val....................
Chapter 16: Death of Pius X; Election of Benedict XV Opens the Door for More Subversion......................................................
Chapter 17: Attack on Charles Maurras and L’Action Française.....
Chapter 18: Mexico’s Valiant Christeros Betrayed.........................
Chapter 19: A New Group of Revolutionaries..............................
Chapter 20: Infestation of Rampolla Acolytes; Montini Stature Grows....................................................................................
Chapter 21: This Author’s Learning Experience in Paris...............
Chapter 22: Rise of Pacelli and Emergence of Chardin and Maritain
Chapter 23: Pius XII Attacked Hitler, Saved Jews, Was Silent about Communism..........................................................................
Chapter 24: Pius XII Initiated Dogmatic and Liturgical Revisions
Chapter 25: Roncalli Given Several Posts; Enters Masonry...........
Chapter 26: Curious 1958 Conclave Picks Roncalli; Vatican II Council Announced...............................................................
Chapter 27: Liturgical Revolution Led by Bugnini, Sanctioned by Paul VI...................................................................................
Chapter 28: What Did Bugnini Create - and Paul VI Approve?....
Chapter 29: Pope Paul VI’s Curious Reference to “Smoke of Satan”
Chapter 30: Death of John XXIII; Papacy of Paul VI; 121 Named as Masons...............................................................................
Chapter 31: Father Leonard Feeney Betrayed; Fundamental Dogma Shelved......................................................................
Chapter 32: Father Luigi Villa Receives Assignment from Padre Pio.........................................................................................
Chapter 33: Vatican Council II Dominated by Pope Paul VI........
Chapter 34: More About Paul VI.................................................
Chapter 35: Portrait Laden with Masonic Imagery Accepted by Paul VI...................................................................................
Chapter 36: Death of Paul VI; Conclave Selects John Paul I.........
Chapter 37: New Conclave Chooses Poland’s Cardinal Wojtyla...
Chapter 38: Cardinal Ratzinger Becomes Benedict XVI...............
Chapter 39: Cardinal Bergoglio Becomes Pope Francis.................
Chapter 40: Our Lady of Fatima, Pray For Us..............................
Chapter 41: Calling On All Catholics..........................................
Appendix A: Athanasian Creed.....................................................
Appendix B: The Salvation Doctrine............................................
Appendix C: Salve Regina.............................................................
Appendix D: Saint Michael Prayer...............................................
Apendix E: The Oath Against Modernism....................................
Appendix F: Catholic Obedience.................................................
About the Author.........................................................................
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