Fr. Denis Fahey C.S.Sp. - PB 212 pages
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“I repeatedly promised Saint Peter that if I ever got the chance, I would teach the truth about his Master in the way he and his successors, the Roman Pontiffs, wanted it done. That is what I have striven to do and am doing.”
—Rev. Denis Fahey
No man is wise who does not think correctly about the Jews. On this subject it is very easy to be wrong, and there are many different varieties of errors into which to fall. They are a unique type of collectivity—a matter for history, not for sociology.
Their election in the Old Testament, which we must accept on faith, is at least as mysterious as their rejection in the New Testament. The Jews are willing to take the first part of the bargain, which they did not deserve, but not the second, which they did. Ever since the moment of the Crucifixion, the Jews are engaged in a mystical war against the Church, but they are only effective when the Faith is weak.
A true, firm, and unsentimental understanding of the Jewish problem is absolutely necessary for one who must protect the Faith and the faithful. The higher the responsibility, the greater the necessity.
Fr. Fahey begs us to pray for the Conversion of the Jewish nation, but he teaches us to prudently study and to wisely understand reality in their regard.
Table of Contents
Loreto Publications Introduction
Chapter I: The Program of Christ and the Plans of Satan
Church and State • The Indirect Power of the Church • Marriage • Education • Private Property • Monetary System • Submission to the Blessed Trinity with Christ in Holy Mass
Chapter II: The Kingship of Christ in its Integrity
The Divine Plan for Ordered Social Life
Chapter III: An Outline of the Theology of History
Acceptance of Christ the King and Subsequent Rejection • Some National Reactions • Spain • Portugal • Ireland • Germany
Chapter IV: The Struggle of the Jewish Nation against the True Messias
Jewish Naturalism • The Opposition of Jewish Naturalism to our Supernatural Well-being
Chapter V: The Dual Citizenship of the Jews in Modern Times
Modern Progress as the Growth of Naturalism • Freemasonry has contributed to the Advance of Naturalism • The Significance of the Balfour Declaration • The Primary Allegiance of the Jews • The Jewish State • Jewish Naturalism and the Duty of Catholics
Chapter VI: The Catholic Church and Anti-Semitism
Meaning of Anti-Semitism • Attitude of the Church in this Matter • Explanation of Persistence of Opposition to the Jews
Chapter VII: The Conversion of the Jewish Nation
The Talmudic Formation and the Conversion of the Jews • The Jewish Law • The Schulchan Aruch • The Talmud and Jewish Messianism • Certitude of the Conversion of the Jews • An Outstanding Jewish Convert • Supplementary Explanation of National Apostasy
Chapter VIII: Contemporary Jewish Aims
The Divine Plan for Order in the World • Twofold Opposition to Order on the Part of the Jewish Nation • Anti-Semitism in the Jewish Sense • Effects on the Jewish People of their Opposition to the True Supernatural Messias • Materialism of Zionist Plans • Outline of the Conquest • Non-Jews Turned Back • The Final Stage • The Arab Refugees • Israel, the United States, Russia and the World • UNESCO • The Jews, Lenin and the Russians • Marxism and Jewish Nationalism • Return to Membership of Christ
Appendix I: Members of the Jewish Nation in United Nations Organization
Chapter IX: The Coming of Antichrist
The Sovereign Pontiffs and Apostasy • Antichrist in Scripture and Tradition • The Date of the Coming of Antichrist • Decree of the Fifth Lateran Council
Appendix II: Program of Christ the King and Program of the Jewish Nation since Calvary
The annual celebration of the Feast of Christ the King is meant to lead men “to reflect on the Last Judgment, in which Christ, who has been cast out of public life, despised, neglected and ignored, will severely avenge such insults.” Our Lord Jesus Christ came down to proclaim His Father’s program for the restoration of ordered life in the world and died proclaiming it. After Pope Pius IX in the Syllabus had catalogued modern errors against the order of society demanded by the infinite dignity of the life of sanctifying grace, restored through the foundation of the Mystical Body on Calvary, Popes Leo XIII, Pius X, Benedict XV, Pius XI and Pius XII have set forth in their Encyclicals the positive program for order enjoined upon us by Christ Our Head, Priest and King. In this series of books, I am endeavoring to make known that positive program to as many as possible, so that they may have a thorough knowledge of the order of the world they should stand for as members of Christ. The series is placed under the patronage of St. Joan of Arc. At the beatification of that lovely saint in 1908, Blessed (now Saint) Pius X sadly reminded members of Christ that: “All the strength of Satan’s reign is due to the easy-going weakness of Catholics.”
As I was not able to bring out this book when it was originally written, it has been laid aside for years. In the meantime, the need for setting forth the full doctrine of the Kingship of Christ has been forcibly brought home to me by the confusion created in minds owing to the use of the term “anti-Semitism.” The Hitlerite naturalistic or anti-supernatural regime in Germany gave to the world the odious spectacle of a display of anti-Semitism, that is, of hatred of the Jewish nation. Yet all the propaganda about that display of anti-Semitism should not have made Catholics forget the existence of age-long Jewish naturalism or anti-supernaturalism. Forgetfulness of the disorder of Jewish naturalistic opposition to Christ the King is keeping Catholics blind to the danger that is arising from the clever extension of the term “anti-Semitism,” with all its war connotation in the minds of the unthinking, to include any form of opposition to the Jewish nation’s naturalistic aims. For the leaders of the Jewish nation, to stand for the rights of Christ the King is logically to be “anti-Semitic.”
In March, 1917, Pope Benedict XV wrote to the Archbishop of Tours: “In the midst of the present upheavals, it is important to repeat to men that by her divine institution the Catholic Church is the only ark of salvation for the human race…Accordingly, it is more seasonable than ever to teach…that the truth which liberates, not only individuals, but societies, is supernatural truth in all its fullness and in all its purity, without attenuation, diminution or compromise: in a word, exactly as Our Lord Jesus Christ delivered it to the world.” These sublime words of the Vicar of Christ have nerved me to do all in my power to set forth the opposition of every form of naturalism, including Jewish naturalism, to the supernatural reign of Christ the King. In addition, for over twenty years I have been offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass every year, on the Feasts of the Resurrection, Corpus Christi, SS. Peter and Paul and the Assumption of Our Blessed Mother, for the acceptance by the Jewish nation of the Divine Plan for Order. Thus I have been striving to follow the example of our divine Master. Saint Pius X insists that “though Jesus was kind to those who had gone astray, and to sinners, He did not respect their erroneous convictions, however sincere they appeared to be.” The need of combining firmness in the proclamation of the integral truth with loving charity towards those in error is insisted on, even more emphatically, by Pope Pius XI: “Comprehending and merciful charity towards the erring,” he writes, “and even towards the contemptuous, does not mean and can not mean that you renounce in any way the proclaiming of, the insisting on, and the courageous defense of the truth and its free and unhindered application to the realities about you. The first and obvious duty the priest owes to the world about him is service to the truth, the whole truth, the unmasking and refutation of error in whatever form or disguise it conceals itself.”
A day will come when the Jewish nation will cease to oppose order and will turn in sorrow and repentance to Him Whom they rejected before Pilate. That will be a glorious triumph for the Immaculate Heart of Our Blessed Mother. Until that day dawns, however, their naturalistic opposition to the true supernatural order of the world must be exposed and combatted.
Denis Fahey, C.S.Sp. Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, June 20, 1952.