Fr. Denis Fahey C.S.Sp. - PB 820 pages
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“I repeatedly promised Saint Peter that if I ever got the chance, I would teach the truth about his Master in the way he and his successors, the Roman Pontiffs, wanted it done. That is what I have striven to do and am doing.”
—Rev. Denis Fahey
Originally published in 1945, just eight years before his death, this is Fr. Fahey’s magnum opus. All of his written work is centered around the Kingship of Christ and his right to rule over all human societies and governments. Just as we daily pray that God’s will be done ON EARTH as it is in heaven, it follows that all human works, especially the government of all of our human societies (the family, the state, the Church in her human aspects) must conform to God’s will and not He to ours.
This book details the Rights of God in human governments. He has the RIGHT to be obeyed, even by the state. This book proposes the RE-organization of society according to God’s will for us on earth and within the context of the Mystical Body of Christ. Human governments will only be as good as they can be in this fallen world insofar as they conform to God’s Divine Plan for Order in establishing and running society. Here is that plan as laid out by God and his Church and explained by Fr. Fahey. Only when man puts God’s Rights first, will there be any hope of Human Rights being respected or upheld.
Loreto’s Introduction to
Father Denis Fahey
When Jesus Christ, our King and Master, taught us how to pray to His Father and Our Father, he used the phrase “thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” In heaven God’s will is perfectly accomplished, but here on earth, fallen mankind cannot fulfill God’s will without the constant assistance of sanctifying grace communicated to the world through the sacraments of his church.
After the fall of Adam, a world perfectly ordered to God’s divine will was corrupted and dis-order became the ‘natural’ state of mankind and the created universe. It was the role of the Messias to re-order this fallen world—to bring a new state of order to the world his Father had created. The means for establishing that order by which a fallen world may return to God is the Catholic church and the life of sanctifying grace. As Christians newly born into the life of grace—a supernatural state of being—we are all called to bring as much order to this world as is possible, all the while never forgetting that this world is in a fallen and corrupted state and that a ‘utopia’ is not possible here on earth. The Church of Christ is constantly opposed in this mission by all of the forces of ‘naturalism’ or dis-order, that is those forces opposed to the supernatural life of divine grace. It is the duty of all Christians of the Church Militant to battle against these forces.
This calling of Christians to the battle for order was the motto of the pontificate of Pope Saint X. That motto was Instaurare Omnia in Christo, “to restore all things in Christ”, taken from Saint Paul’s letter to the Ephesians 1:10. The modern popes have frequently warned us of the dangers of ‘naturalism’, which denies the supernatural life of grace and militates against it, and they have called us to fight in our private and public lives against this pernicious error. No priest has heeded that call and risen to defend the supernatural life of grace as clearly and as vigorously as Father Denis Fahey. He truly understood, and explained why, there is no salvation outside the Catholic church, either for individual persons or for the life of society and of nations.
A clear image of just what the life of a Christian in a society imbued from top to bottom with the social principles of Christ the King would be like, is not a widely shared understanding in much of the Christian world today, especially in America. We must remember that Christianity is a religion of world conquest! We are called to conquer the world for Christ and to do all that we can to subdue persons and nations to his will. A Catholic undertakes this battle first within himself and then within his family. Soon the influence of many families begins to pervade the community and then the nation or state. If Christian people do not have the full picture in their mind of exactly what God’s Plan for Order in this world would look like in its accomplishment, then they can have no long-term strategy for victory and little hope of achieving it. We have all of the tools required and all of the powers of heaven backing us. Let us take into our hearts and our minds the full plan and its potential for the realization of peace in the world and Christ the King of heaven and earth will bless our efforts. This was the permanent admonition of Fr. Fahey.
Father Fahey was a seminarian and was ordained in Rome during the pontificate of Pius X. The young priest was deeply influenced and inspired by that pope. When he penned a short Apologia for his work, Father Fahey expressed his vocation in this fashion:
“When in Rome I began to realize more fully the real significance of the history of the world, as the account of the acceptance and rejection of Our Lord’s Program for Order. I used to ask permission to remain at the Confession of St. Peter, while the other scholastics went round the basilica.
“I spent the time there going over the history of the world, and I repeatedly promised Saint Peter that if I ever got the chance, I would teach the truth about his master in the way he and his successors, the Roman Pontiffs, wanted it done.
That is what I have striven to do and am doing.”
Father Fahey not only clarified, explained, taught, and defended ‘Our Lord’s Program for Order’ in the world, he also actively fought and exposed the persons who were the enemies of that order. Because he did so, he has often been called ‘negative’ or ‘anti-Semitic’, or ‘much too concerned with Masonic conspiracies’. These are the pathetic terms of opprobrium hurled with such energy by those enemies of Christ whose plans he has effectively opposed. But in this he was in good company with St. Louis Marie de Montfort and Our Lady, who appears ‘terrible as an army set in battle array’ to the enemies of her divine son.
Listen to the words of St. Louis Marie as he stresses the two functions of our Blessed Mother, the positive one of making our Lord known, and the negative one of making war upon his enemies.
“Mary must be manifested more than ever by her mercy, her power and her grace in these latter times; by her mercy, bringing back and lovingly welcoming the poor strayed sinners who will be converted and will return to the Catholic Church; by her power, against the enemies of God, idolaters, schismatics, Mohammedans, Jews, and men hardened in impiety, who will rise in terrible revolt to seduce all those who oppose them and to make them fall by promises and threats; she must also be made manifest by her grace animating and sustaining the valiant soldiers and faithful servants of Jesus Christ, who shall battle for His interests.”
“And lastly, Mary must be terrible to the devil and his ministers, as an army in battle array, principally in these latter times, because the devil knowing that he has but little time, and now less than ever, to damn souls, will every day redouble his efforts and his combats. He will before long raise up cruel persecutions and will lay terrible snares for the faithful servants and true children of Mary whom he finds more difficult to conquer than the others.”
Loreto Publications is committed to re-issuing all of the previously published works of Fr. Fahey and making them available to a much wider audience. The works of Fr. Fahey are critically important for Catholics to read, understand, and disseminate in our day when the forces of ‘organized naturalism’ or ‘anti-supernaturalism’ seem to be rampaging triumphantly through the Church and the world today. Arm yourselves for the battle!
Editor’s notes
Loreto’s editions of the works of Father Fahey have been newly typeset and updated with some changes to the original text. The alterations are as follows:
1. We have changed the spelling of many words to match modern American spelling rules. Some examples are: neighbor for neighbour, show for shew, labor for labour, realize for realise, mold for mould, program for programme, etc.
2. We have made use of current punctuation and capitalization rubrics.
3. We have made a few minor corrections of typographical errors in the original texts but have NOT altered the words of Fr. Fahey nor made any deletions.
4. We have made uniform the notations of scripture references in the currently accepted fashion. For example, we use Mt. 24: 6–9 instead of Matt. xxiv 6, 7, 8, 9
Table of Contents
Loreto Publications Introduction xv
Preface xxi
the aim of this book • man’s response to god’s loving condescension or the theology of history • organized opposition to our supernatural life • members of one body under christ our head • some expressions of thanks
Part I: The Mystical Body of Christ
and the Divine Plan for Order
Chapter I: The Mystical Body of Christ 1
god is subsistent love of order • god’s unchanging purpose • naturalism and our supernatural life • social organization and the individual member of society • human personality and individuality • personality, individuality and the common good • appendix: social justice
Chapter II: The Kingship of Christ in its Essence 33
the priesthood and the kingship of christ • the kingship of christ • in our lord’s kingdom our blessed mother is queen and mediatrix of all graces • the church’s participation in the priesthood and in the spiritual kingship of christ • the kingship of christ and temporal rulers • christ’s spiritual kingship and that of the church • the spiritual kingship of the church and temporal affairs • what god desires • the thomistic doctrine on the relation between church and state • two other theories concerning church and state • the duty of catholics to christ the king • appendix 1: papal authority in temporal affairs • appendix 2: the scope of the indirect power of the church
Chapter III: The Kingship of Christ in its Integrity75
meaning of the integrity of the kingship of christ • st. thomas and politics • st. thomas and economics • state and family • the role of money in economics • three ways of dealing in money • usury • the proper use of money • st. thomas and the ideal of national self-sufficiency • appendix: usury and confessors
Chapter IV: Program of Integral Acceptance of the
Kingship of Christ 109
social or practical modernism • social acceptance of the divine plan • acknowledgment of the spiritual kingship of the church’s rulers • duty of states towards religious orders and congregations • the duty of states with regard to secret societies • acknowledgment of the dignity of christian marriage • recognition of education as the formation of members of christ • solidarity of the mystical body reflected in economic organization • money is an instrument of economics • what is meant by liberalism? • the return to the gospel • the church’s program for the rights of god • appendix: pope benedict xv’s peace proposals, august 1, 1917
Chapter V: The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the
Kingship of Christ in its Integrity 149
the relation between the mass and the kingship of christ • unifying influence of the mystical body • the ultimate aim of revolution • the solidarity of the mystical body and the duty of catholics • catholic solidarity is weakened by individualism and naturalism • priests and catholic solidarity
Part II: The Organized Opposition
to the Mystical Body of Christ
and to the Divine Plan for Order
Chapter VI: The Organized Opposition to the Mystical
Body of Christ 175
Chapter VII: The Invisible Organized Force, Satan
and His Fellow-demons 179
satan’s anti-supernaturalism • satan’s plans for disorder • satan’s hatred of the blessed eucharist
Chapter VIII: First Visible Organized Naturalistic Force,
The Jewish Nation 193
the jewish nation’s rejection of the supernatural messias • the tragedy of the jewish nation • the anti-supernatural influence of the jewish nation • the dual citizenship of the jews • the catholic church and anti-semitism • reason for special opposition to the jewish nation • divine providence and the jewish nation • the two camps • jewish conversions to christianity • the jewish problem by louis golding • appendix: contrasting programs
Chapter IX: The Second Visible Organized Naturalistic
Force, Freemasonry 253
naturalism and supernaturalism • teaching of the catholic church concerning the naturalism of freemasonry • final aim: naturalistic world-state or world republic • masonic constitutions • opposition of freemasonry to the catholic church • freemasonry and political action • masonic declarations of loyalty • is british masonry also moving to the left? • freemasonry and social justice
Chapter X: Links Between Organized Anti-supernatural Forces 299
the headship of satan according to st. thomas • the jewish nation and freemasonry • appendix: prayer for the conversion of the jews • israel’s prayer of reparation • prayer for the conversion of freemasons
Part III: Ockhamism or Nominalism
and Political and Economic Decay
Chapter XI: Thomism and Ockhamism or Nominalism311
thomism ockhamism or nominalism • consequences of ockhamism or nominalism with regard to faith in the mystical body of christ • nominalism and separatism
Chapter XII: Nominalism and the Advent of Social Materialism 321
the two currents issuing from ockhamism • the first current, the nominalism of descartes • the second current, the nominalism of locke • locke on money • economic laws become exclusively physical laws
Part IV: Political Decay and the
Divine Plan for Order
Chapter XIII: The Protestant Revolt Against Order 343
the preparation of wrong national decisions • decay in the intellectual grasp of order • weakening of the will through the decay of the virtue luther and ockhamism • consequents of lutheranism
Chapter XIV: The French Revolution of 1789 357
the significance of the revolution • naturalism and revolution • the declaration of the rights of man • the jewish nation and the french revolution • consequences of the french revolution • the opposition between the french revolution and the catholic church • responsibility of freemasonry for revolutions • two currents issuing from the french revolution
Chapter XV: The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 381
the role of england in the bolshevik revolution • the role of germany in the bolshevik revolution • the role of the jewish nation in the bolshevik revolution, (a) the jewish nation guides the communist movement, (b) the jewish bund and the bolshevik revolution, (c) the difference between the bolsheviks and the mensheviks, (d) the central jewish organization and the revolution at odessa in november, 1905, (e) in the hour of triumph, (f) the alliance of jewish finance with communism, appendix: lenin’s nationality
Chapter XVI: Reactions against the Naturalism of the
French Revolution 425
ordered reaction implies acceptance of christ’s kingship in its integrity • poland’s reaction • spain’s reaction • portugal’s reaction • ireland’s reaction • widespread ignorance of the meaning of naturalism • wolfe tone and the vicar of christ • wolfe tone and the jewish longing for the natural messias • wolfe tone, naturalism and anti-supernaturalism • wolfe tone’s ignorance of the real meaning of masonry • james connolly’s ignorance of the meaning and the aim of communism • james connolly’s ignorance of catholic teaching • the irish constitution of 1937 • the irish monetary system • germany’s reaction • prussia and judaeo-masonry • germany’s reaction is antagonistic to the catholic church • sources of the german race theory • the lutheran revolt • the philosophy of kant, fichte and hegel • german racial instinct replaces the german mind as the force molding the world • gobineau and h. st. chamberlain • the german race theory and personal liberty • prussian freemasonry and the national-socialist movement • italy’s reaction
Part V: Economic Decay and the
Divine Plan for Order
Chapter XVII: Some Aspects of Economic Decay 501
the english revolution of 1688 and the bank of england • the jews and william of orange’s expedition to england • the bank of england, locke, and freemasonry • defective principles adopted by the bank of england with regard to the issue of money, berkeley’s rediscovery of some sane principles concerning money • french economic life sacrificed in order to eliminate membership of christ: (a) frederick the great and the french revolution; (b) bismarck and gambetta; (c) the attack on the christian family by divorce; (d) financial cost of eliminating membership of christ from french schools; (e) legalized robbery under false pretences; (f) the warning of the great war unheeded • appendix: cardinal pie of poitiers and napoleon iii
Chapter XVIII: The Functioning of the Gold Standard
and Economic Decay 543
some financial principles of st. thomas aquinas • the bankers’ discovery • national finance and the gold standard • the meaning of inflation and deflation • some historical examples of planned deflations • international trade and the gold standard • the urge to war and destruction
Chapter XIX: The Economic Principles of St. Thomas
Aquinas and the Functioning of the Gold Standard 583
(a) usury or the consideration of the gold standard from the point of view of efficient causality, (b) money as a stable measure of things saleable, or the consideration of the gold standard from the point of view of formal causality, (c) two theories of money, the quantitative theory and the qualitative or commodity theory, or the consideration of the gold standard from the point of view of material causality, (d) the purpose of money, or the consideration of the gold standard from the point of view of final causality: (a) farming; (b) ruin of small owners and manufacturers; (c) bread: (d) regimentation of medical doctors: (e) advertisements of patent medicines: (f) family life
Chapter XX: The Political Principles of St. Thomas
Aquinas and the Functioning of the Gold Standard 631
money-manipulators and governments • the federal reserve system • naturalistic forces working for centralization • the german-jewish inspiration of the federal reserve system • the federal reserve board and the struggle for world financial supremacy
Chapter XXI: The Principles of St. Thomas Aquinas
and Monetary Reform 673
general principles • national monetary reform: (a) abandonment of the domestic gold standard: (b) issuing of lawful exchange-medium by state; (c) lending of lawful exchange-medium by banking guild; (d) stability of price level; (e) concluding remarks on national monetary reform • international trade and money: (a) the bank for international settlements and international trade; (b) international planning and the gold standard: (c) proposed reform of monetary system in view of international trade • international economic code • appendix: pope pius xii’s five peace points, pope pius xii’s allocution, christmas. 1941; the five essentials of a new order • some extracts from pope pius xii’s allocution, christmas, 1942: dignity and rights of the human person; the sense of social unity and especially of the family; dignity and prerogatives of labor; restoration of the rule of law; conception of the state according to the christian spirit
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