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302 pages
Sister Catherine, M.I.C.M. Did you ever hear of Father Feeney? Despite what the liberals say, he was a devout Catholic priest who defended the teachings of the Church. This book tells how the authorities in the Boston Archdiocese and the Society of Jesus (“Loyolas”) teamed up with the Boston Yankee Masons (“Cabots”) to silence a priest whose “embarrassing” insistence on Catholic doctrine disturbed their liberal agenda. An inspiring story, well told. Softcover - 302 pages - $9.95
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1930278136, Br. Charles Madden, 112, Paperback

Br. Charles Madden OFM, Conv. 112 pages PB

56 years of marriage and 11 children. The Maddens of Baltimore will surprise you, comfort you, make you laugh until you cry, and make you cry until you laugh again! From games of “pitch” to petty thievery, from over-zealous confessions to exacerbating obedience, there is truly never a dull moment!

But these true stories about a real family, as told by the youngest brother, are much more than just a collection of humor. Together, they weave a tapestry about family life—the way it should be lived and enjoyed. The virtues and the vices, the laughter and the frustration, the  happiness and the mourning, the prosperity and the poverty: the family is the first school of love.

Experience this with the Maddens of Baltimore.
Bring them home with you today!

Brother Charles Madden was born in Baltimore, MD in January 1940, the youngest of eleven children. He is the author of Freemasonry: Mankind’s Hidden Enemy and The Ballad and the Message.

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Archbishop Fulton Sheen, 190, Paperback
Archbishop Fulton Sheen - Small PB - 2.875 X 4.375 - 190 pages In these times of war and terrorism, turn to: Fulton Sheen’s Wartime Prayer Book!...
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Benedict Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, 128, Paperback

Benedict Sisters of Perpetual Adoration - 128 pages PB 5.5" x 8.5"

A devotional explanation of the prayers, ceremonies, and mysteries of the Holy Sacrifice, and of the benefits to be derived from devout participation.

Pope Saint Pius X, almost a century ago, encouraged the faithful to “Pray the Mass” as a part of his efforts at liturgical renewal.
After nearly a half-century of liturgical “renewal” which largely consisted of “experiments” with the Holy Sacrifice that went beyond the wildest imaginings of that holy pope, our current pontiff, Pope Benedict XVI, has issued his Motu Proprio entitled Summorum Pontificum, in which he urges the Bishops to encourage and aid the celebration of the liturgy of the Roman rite in the ancient form which had been in universal use until 1962.

For those faithful who have remained attached to the liturgy that has been essentially unchanged for over 1400 years, or for those just discovering the immemorial rite, this book will provide a thorough and deeply reflective explanation of all of the rubrics, prayers, and actions of the Holy Sacrifice.  This book, that was first published in the 1930s by the Benedictine Convent of Perpetual Adoration, is written in a style suitable to laymen of all levels of education. It is a thorough presentation and is based upon sound Catholic theological and liturgical principles.

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Pere Liagre C.S. Sp., 96, Paperback

Also Available as Ebook

Pere Liagre C.S. Sp. - PB 96 Pages

This "retreat in a book" presents to the busy reader of today a perfect little tool to assist in translating from inspiration to action, the exquisite lessons gleaned from The Autobiography of a Soul.

One day a novice, coming to Sister Thérèse for advice, said to her, “Oh, when I think of all I have yet to acquire.” “Say, rather, to lose,” was the answer—an answer alight with wisdom. Let us think that we have much more to lose than to acquire if we are to profit in Thérèse’s school, and learn, from her the science of holiness.

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Father Paul Trinchard, S.T.L. , 270 pages, Paperback

Father Paul Trinchard, S.T.L. - PB 270 pages

Father Trinchard from New Orleans, has been attached to the ancient Roman Liturgy since his ordination in 1966. This book is a commenatry on the importance of the Holy Sacrifice in the life of every Christian. Much of the book is summarised from St. Leonard of Port Maurice' work The Hidden Treasure on the Mass. The importance of praying the Mass the way is SHOULD be prayed is thoroughly elucidated in this 'treasure' originallly published in 1995.

"Don't pray at Mass, but pray the Holy Mass... the highest prayer that exists... You have to associate your heart with the holy feelings which are contained in THE PRIEST'S words, and in this manner you ought to follow all that happens on the Altar. When acting in this way you have PRAYED THE HOLY MASS -  Pope St. Pius X

Shortly after the Novus Ordo Mass was episcopally imposed, some laymen went as exiles to the high desert of Nevada and built their own church for the celebration of Christ's Canonized Liturgy. During the Mass of Consecration for this church an arch-shaped multi-colored rainbow which later turned totally golden appeared in the blue desert sky and dipped down on one end into the church's steeple illuminating the church with an aura of golden light. THIS ENTIRE EVENT WAS CAPTURED ON VIDEO. The illustration on the front cover was painted from that video.


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9620994817, Fr. Paul Trinchard, 120, Paperback

Father Paul Trinchard - PB - 120 pages

Fr. Trinchard's unique, thought-provoking style found in these numerous publications Is displayed throughout this book. Fr. Trinchard continues to be a popular and enthusiastically received, deeply analytical lecturer, especially on topics covered by his books. He is the author of three other books defending the Faith against present-day attack. His first book is Apostasy Within, which explains the apostasy within the Catholic Church in America. His second, God's Word, defends the Bible against the heretical so-called "scripture scholars" who have invaded the Church in recent years. The Awesome Fatima Consecration spells out the Fatima challenge and the actual respouse it has received by the existential church of our day.

All About Salvation asks and answers the questions that all of us have aout salvation. It will prove to be controversial, yet fully satisfying, for those of good will.

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$12.95 $9.95
98, Durable Flex-Soft Cover

Heart of Jesus Families Novena

According to the revelations of the Sacred Heart and with prayers composed by Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque

For the spread of the kingdom of the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, so as to renew all things in Christ

This novena also serves as the Perpetual Novena of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Families

"I began to pray the "Heart of Jesus Families Novena" as soon as it arrived. Its content and size invites one to pray at first sight. Having prayed the Novena now for three days, I will pray this novena every day as part of my morning prayers. Every Catholic who desires to deepen their faith must have this book. There is much solace on every page and the love of the Sacred Heart issues forth with every word. Thank you for such a beautiful treasure. May the Lord Jesus and our Blessed Mother bless your apostolate of saving souls."
~Anthony (one of our first book orders)

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