

By Br. Thomas Mary Sennott, M.I.C.M., 90, Paperback
By Br. Thomas Mary Sennott, M.I.C.M.

Originally published in 1984 This short book brilliantly exposes the "higher criticism" which purports to undermine the true Catholic reading and meaning of Genesis 3:15. See how Br. Thomas uses the fictional character Maria Stephan to 'step on' and crush the ridiculous arguments of the modern Catholic and protestant so-called biblical scholars.
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1930278179, Rosalie Marie Levy , 98, Paperback

Rosalie Marie Levy - Small book - 94 pages

Also Available as Ebook

This brief treatise was written by a woman who converted from Judaism in the early days of the 20th century and who, in her zeal to convince her fellow Jews of the wisdom of her conversion, wrote much in defense of Our Lord and his Church. One of her most famous works is Why Jews Convert­—the personal story of many Jews of her day who came to the realization that Jesus was the promised Messiah and who, once having accepted that fact, followed him in the Catholic church that he founded.
Given here is the barest sketch of the history of the world,
followed by extensive quotes from the ancient Hebrew scriptures and a corresponding text from the New Testament proving their fulfillment. She then discusses the questions “What think you of Christ? Whose Son is He?” and gives the proper answers. Finally, she exhorts her past co-religionists to consider her arguments and then gives a list of hundreds of Jewish converts in an appendix to the work. This is a powerful little tool for both education and evangelization. Loreto’s editors think highly enough of it to have brought it back into print after an absence of over 70 years.

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Sister Catherine, M.I.C.M., 150, Softcover

Sister Catharine Goddard Clarke, M.I.C.M.

For those who have enjoyed Sister Catherine’s Our Glorious Popes, this work is an equally worthy production from the pen of an historian gifted in the art of scholarly composition. Its theme is a song of gratitude to Our Savior Jesus Christ and to His Blessed Mother for so plentiful a redemption. The author exudes both her own joy in living the sacramental life within the Catholic Church, and her holy indignation over the fact that liberal Catholic clergymen in the United States were teaching that one’s personal sincerity of conscience was an acceptable substitute for the one and only means of salvation given by Christ. Sister Catherine demolishes all the ambiguous subterfuges that in her day (and far more so today) were undermining the doctrinal clarity that in centuries past left no doubt as to the whereabouts of the only way of salvation.



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9620994817, Fr. Paul Trinchard, 120, Paperback

Father Paul Trinchard - PB - 120 pages

Fr. Trinchard's unique, thought-provoking style found in these numerous publications Is displayed throughout this book. Fr. Trinchard continues to be a popular and enthusiastically received, deeply analytical lecturer, especially on topics covered by his books. He is the author of three other books defending the Faith against present-day attack. His first book is Apostasy Within, which explains the apostasy within the Catholic Church in America. His second, God's Word, defends the Bible against the heretical so-called "scripture scholars" who have invaded the Church in recent years. The Awesome Fatima Consecration spells out the Fatima challenge and the actual respouse it has received by the existential church of our day.

All About Salvation asks and answers the questions that all of us have aout salvation. It will prove to be controversial, yet fully satisfying, for those of good will.

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Brian Kranick , 328 pages
By Brian Kranick - 328 pages - EBOOK - PDF, Kindle, & EPUB

We are indebted to Brian Kranick for this illuminating exposition of the Book of Exodus. One who reads this book will have a
much clearer understanding of the four Gospels because Exodus, along with the prophecy of Isaias, is the best and clearest revelation
in the Old Testament of the Savior to come and his mission.

The typology that the Fathers and Doctors of the Church have spoken of is here collected and examined and presented for our
edification. One glance at the table of contents will be enough to convince you that this book is crucial for understanding the
Gospels and the history of God’s people both in the Old and New Testaments.

He specifically reminds us of the fact that God himself designed all of the liturgical seasons and feasts and that he also
gave explicit directions for every minute rubric and prayer of all of the liturgical rites, sacrifices, and architecture. Our Lord and his
apostles carried on these rituals in the new and eternal sacrifice, not only the one on Calvary, but also in the continuing sacrifice
of the Mass as given to us by Our Lord himself. That ritual had for almost 2000 years been called the Roman Rite.
After reading this book you will re-read the Gospels, especially the descriptions of the Passion, with new “eyes to see.” But if
the Gospels are newly enlivened for you, just wait until you assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Roman Rite once again.
It becomes a deeper and more contemplative experience because now, the Book of Exodus, through this work will have been
opened to you, and the phrase from Luke 24:32; “Were not our hearts burning [within us] while he spoke to us on the way and
opened the scriptures to us?” shall amaze you with its immanent relevance to each of us in today’s increasingly perfidious, and
therefore confusing, world.


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162292083X, Msgr. Francis J. Weber, 84, Paperback

Also Available as Ebook

Msgr. Francis J. Weber - PB 84 pages

Recently retired from over fifty years of service to God and to the people of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Monsignor Weber has allowed us to publish some of the delightful, insightful, and very succinct homilies he has given on real and literary characters found in the holy gospels.
The four gospels tell us the story of Jesus Christ, Son of God and Son of Man, the Savior of the world.  In the course of those gospels, Jesus Christ tells us many stories that reveal God the Father’s loving plan for our salvation.  Through the homilies collected here Monsignor Francis Weber does what a good preacher always does, that is, he points out the spiritual truth the gospels reveal, and then connects that truth with our own faith and daily experiences as disciples of Jesus Christ.
By “real characters” Monsignor Weber indicates the real life men and women whom Jesus met and engaged during his life and ministry, such as Peter and Paul and Pontius Pilate.  “Literary characters” are the imaginary figures in Christ’s parables, such as the Prodigal Son and the Good Samaritan.

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Louise D'Angelo, 192, Softcover

192 pages, softcover

By Louise D'Angelo

This book presents to the reader the information which they need to protect their own faith or the faith of someone they love from the attacks of the Witnesses. This book was written after 16 years of toil and research by the author. There is nothing like it in print today. It contains full explanations of what the Witnesses believe and how they use the Bible to try to trap unsuspecting Catholics.

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1930278225, Henry Denzinger, 760


In this age of doctrinal latitude and speculative innovation there is a pressing need for a comprehensive source book on authentic Catholic dogma that is magisterially anchored while at the same time both practical and non-voluminous. You have such a book in this English translation of Father Heinrich Denzinger’s Enchiridion Symbolorum et Definitionum. Since it was first published a century and a half ago, this handbook or collection (enchiridion) of articles (symbols) of faith and morals has enjoyed universal appeal and approbation since the pontificate of Blessed Pope Pius IX. The Enchiridion has been updated periodically; the edition being offered here by Loreto is that issued in 1957. The collection includes all articles and creeds of the Catholic Faith beginning with that of the twelve apostles, all dogmatic definitions stamped with the Petrine authority of the apostolic See (ex cathedra), decrees of the solemn magisterium, papal bulls, encyclicals and letters, as well as some of the more weighty decisions of the Holy Office prior to 1957. Although not every entry in this 653 page compendium of Church teaching is definitional (i.e. ex cathedra) it still should be considered the "locutus est" for every wayfaring Catholic whose patria, this side of heaven, is Roma. In addition to a general index there is a scriptural index plus an invaluable systematic or topical index making for very easy reference. Note, too, this edition comes with a one page Corrigenda which is a list of sixteen corrections that must be applied to errors (usually omissions) that escaped the eyes of editors in previous editions.

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