

1622920627, Mary Perkins, 220

Mary Perkins - 220 pages - Ebook PDF only

This is, we believe, the first “book of etiquette for Catholics” ever published. At first glance it may seem absurd that we should need one, but have you never been puzzled by such apparently easy questions as how to address a letter to a bishop or how to end it? Or, if you are asked to be a god-parent, do you know what is expected of you, first at the church, and then afterwards throughout your own and your god-child’s life? These and a hundred other matters are clearly and amusingly explained in this book, the subjects ranging from the very simplest way to manage a Missal to what to do (and what not to do) when a Catholic doctrine or practice is attacked in your presence.

This book is especially helpful for converts, but it is also extremely interesting for life-long Catholics who have little or no knowledge of the proper manners expected from a Catholic. It was first published in 1938 so the author explains much about how things were done in the Church before the second Vatican Council.


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9781622921683, Michael Haynes, Paperbook

Ebook: epub, mobi, and pdf.

By Michael Haynes with an Introduction by Archbishop Viganò - PB 164 pages

Sixty years after the Pastoral Council, that the promotional advertising told us was to usher in a new springtime for the Church, is sufficient time for the faithful to stand back and calmly observe the glorious fruits of the work of that Council. We at Loreto have done so, and many Catholics (even some who have spent years committed to implementing the principles of Vatican II) have done so as well. The historical facts appear to us to belie the promises made by Pope John XXIII and others.
As Pope John Paul II said, three of the most important fruits of the Council are: the New Liturgy and sacramental rites, the New Code of Canon Law and the New Catechism. With all of these brand new and very modern(ist?) post-Conciliar alterations in the laws and teachings of the hierarchy forced upon the faithful having had its trial of sixty years, it is now time to judge these fruits objectively. Surely, even those who have collaborated, either wholeheartedly or with reservations, in the advancement of these changes must agree that a just and prudent accounting should now be made of the blessings or curses upon the Church and the world resulting from the work of the Council.
This penetrating analysis produced by Michael Haynes under the direction of a faithful Priest, and prefaced by a faithful Shepherd, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganó is what we hope will be a first of many groundbreaking studies of the new Catechism.

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1930278594, The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, 21, Softcover

Also Available as Ebook

by The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

There is no dry theologizing in this spirited rebuttal, written in 1974, to defend the clear meaning of the thrice defined dogma: Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus (Outside the Church there is No Salvation). What you will read in this exposition is a hearty response, not laced with anything but the truth, as the supreme magisterium has already expounded it, concerning the visible whereabouts of the only means instituted by Jesus Christ for salvation.

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Father Joseph Prachensky, S.J., 282, Paperback

Also Available as Ebook

Divine Parables Explained: or The Church of the Parables

Father Joseph Prachensky, S.J. - 282 Pages Softcover

Never have you heard the parables of Our Lord explained like this learned American Jesuit did in 1890 when this work was first published. Here, in his own words from the introduction, is the author’s reason for publishing this magnificent work:
The bible tells us it was given to the Apostles to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven either in parables or plain words. If that was so (and who will doubt it?), who has it now? And to whom is it given, if not to their legitimate successors, who were to continue the work which the Apostles had begun, even to the consummation of ages?
If, then, the kind reader of these pages finds in them a more accurate, faithful, and thorough explanation of our Lord’s parables than he ever received from any sectarian preacher, let him bear in mind that the bishops and priests of the Catholic Church are the legitimate and only true successors of those to whom the Savior said: “To you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.”
I have selected for exposition only those of the parables that relate to Catholic dogmas controverted by the sects, and I pass over those which contain only lessons of morality never impugned or denied by any one bearing the name of Christian, at least in theory.

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$44.95 $39.95
9781622921560, Sr. Mary Consilia O'Brien O.P., Ph. D, 478, Hardcover

Sr. Mary Concilia O'Brien - Hardcover - 478 pages

This brilliantly concieved and executed textbook was published for Catholic High School & College students. It was published in 1941 and it is still one of the clearest and succinct summaries of Catholic Social teaching. It draws primarily on the teaching of St. Thomas in the Summa and the papal encyclicals of Leo III and Pius XI. There are chapter summaries, questions for further discussion, lists of primary sources quoted, an extensive index, and suggested reading for advanced students. This is an invaluable resource for neophytes in the study of the Church's social doctrines.    

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162292083X, Msgr. Francis J. Weber, 84, Paperback

Also Available as Ebook

Msgr. Francis J. Weber - PB 84 pages

Recently retired from over fifty years of service to God and to the people of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Monsignor Weber has allowed us to publish some of the delightful, insightful, and very succinct homilies he has given on real and literary characters found in the holy gospels.
The four gospels tell us the story of Jesus Christ, Son of God and Son of Man, the Savior of the world.  In the course of those gospels, Jesus Christ tells us many stories that reveal God the Father’s loving plan for our salvation.  Through the homilies collected here Monsignor Francis Weber does what a good preacher always does, that is, he points out the spiritual truth the gospels reveal, and then connects that truth with our own faith and daily experiences as disciples of Jesus Christ.
By “real characters” Monsignor Weber indicates the real life men and women whom Jesus met and engaged during his life and ministry, such as Peter and Paul and Pontius Pilate.  “Literary characters” are the imaginary figures in Christ’s parables, such as the Prodigal Son and the Good Samaritan.

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1622920805, Br. Francis Maluf, M.I.C.M.; Brian Kelly, 60, Paperback
Comprised of Two Articles:
The Dogma of Faith Outside the Church There is No Salvation Defended Against Right Wing Liberals
by the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary & Baptism of Desire: Its Origin and Abandonment in theThought of Saint Augustine by Brian Kelly

Small booklet - 60 pages

The Dogma of Faith Defended:

There is no dry theologizing in this spirited rebuttal, written in 1974, to defend the clear meaning of the thrice defined dogma: Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus (Outside the Church there is No Salvation). What you will read in this exposition is a hearty response, not laced with anything but the truth, as the supreme magisterium has already expounded it, concerning the visible whereabouts of the only means instituted by Jesus Christ for salvation.

Baptism of Desire:

This ground-breaking article by Brian Kelly lays to rest any thought that the Baptism of Desire theory deserves any description such as; "It is practically unanimously defended by the Fathers and Doctors." In fact, as you study this second article you will find that the primary proponent, and perhaps the originator of the theory, Saint Augustine, later in his life abandoned any belief in it. This proves to be problematic for the few later Doctors such as Sts. Bernard, Aquinas, and Liguori who all traced their acceptance of the theory to Augustine.

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$22.95 $19.95
Msgr. John F. McCarthy , PB - 508 pages
By. Msgr. John F. McCarthy - PB - 508 pages

It is no secret that the Catholic belief in the inerrancy of scripture has been under assault for several hundred years, and never more alarmingly-so than during the early and mid-twentieth century. This undermining of the absolute truth of holy scripture began with the protestant rebellion, and this process was intensified by the rationalist movement of the enlightenment in Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Unfortunately, this trend has affected many Catholic biblical scholars so deeply that the state of affairs across a wide spectrum of Catholic philosophers, theologians, and biblical commentators displays an atmosphere of confusion and lack of clarity required for these servants of the Church to move forward confidently with their work.

Msgr. McCarthy has been involved with the Oblates of Wisdom and the Roman Theological Forum since their founding, and he has published many articles in the journal Living Tradition in defense of a truly Catholic approach to biblical scholarship, which he calls the neo-patristic method. Helping to restore confidence and holy clarity to the field of biblical science has been his lifetime commitment. This book is his prescription for an ailing field of study.
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