
Devotion and Spirituality

Saint John Eudes, 183, Softcover
Like Saint John the Apostle, Saint John Eudes had the privilege of what could be nothing less than direct intimate access to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. One can only conclude after reading this book on the Sacred Heart that here was more a seraph than a man, driven by the Holy Spirit to cast the fire of the Savior’s love upon this earth with the pen of a scrivener lost in divine abandon. Surely, our Lord gave the key to the treasure house of His Heart to John Eudes. This book opens that treasure to the one with holy desires. God is wonderful in his saints, and with holy gusto we second the accolade given to him by a grateful generation: the wonder of his age.
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Marie Thérese Peterson, 166, Paperback

Marie Thérese Peterson - 166 Pages Paperback

Is the Holy Eucharist REALLY the Body and Blood of Christ, as the Church has taught for 2,000 years, or do we receive only a symbolic reminder of Jesus at the Last Supper?  Statisticians claim that a high percentage of Catholics in our time have lost the true meaning of Holy Communion and demonstrate their unbelief by neglecting to genuflect in the presence of Christ, or by talking in Church as if it were a social hall.  Our author has gone to the heart of the matter and has shown conclusively that this is the GREAT sacrament that nourishes every life that was recreated in the sacrament of baptism - making the recipient true blood brothers and sisters of Christ by sharing intimately in His very Divine nature..  Color photos show Padre Pio in ecstasy as he celebrates the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.  Beautifully written and thoroughly convincing.  A great gift item for those who may be weak in faith or poorly instructed.

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$79.00 $59.00
1450, Soft flexible covers

This is the new 2017 Edition of our popular missal for Sundays and Daily Mass. This is a complete Daily Missal for the traditional Latin Mass. It includes the Requiem and Nuptial Masses and feastdays Masses of the Calendar of Saints.Published in 1958 there are miniscule differences between this missal and the 1962 Version. The Canon has red print instructions for the rubrics. Both the Canon and all of the daily proper prayers are in English on one side and Latin on the other.

Ideal as a gift or a special treat for yourself, this missal fits the bill at the right price. Live the liturgical year to the fullest with the New Marian Missal for the traditional Latin Mass.

  • White or Black leatherette cover
  • Soft flexible covers
  • Rounded corners
  • Black version has red colored page edges
  • Red and gold satin ribbon page markers
  • Red and gold head bands
  • 4" X 6.5" size
  • Illustrated
  • 1,450 pages
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A Passionist, 302, Softcover

Written by A Passionist - PB - 400 Pages

Contemplating the Holy Face on the shroud of Turin, one sees a deep wound on the forehead of our Savior where one of the many thorns of His cruel crown punctured that very spot above His eyes where His members in the Church are marked who enter rightly into the penitential season of Lent. From the many figures of that spiny diadem in the Old Testament to the reality of the instrument of torture beaten into the head of the Son of God amidst insults and spittle, this terrible book, unforgettable in its endearing pathos, will surely help us to understand something of the true ugliness of sin and the awesome price the Just One had to pay in conquering it.

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$19.95 $17.95
Saint John Eudes, 290, Softcover

Saint John Eudes - PB - 290 pages

Never, in the history of the Church, had any tribute to Our Lady'’s childhood been composed which so marvelously applies so many texts of holy scripture with sound Catholic doctrine and the wisdom of her confessors until Saint John Eudes composed this book. Where do we begin if we are ever to become like the little children God wishes us to emulate? Why not begin by contemplating the immaculate life of the precious and most humble maiden of Nazareth.

Saint John Eudes wrote these profoundly affective pages not only for the educators of young Christian women in his own time but for all time. What better example for the education of Catholic maidens than the most admirable early life of Mary, the “glory of Israel,” as she advanced in wisdom and grace in the days of her preparation for her divine maternity. Father Eudes wishes the faithful to behold the “New Eve,” conceived of such holy parents, Joachim and Anne, and reflect upon her perfect charity, her manifold virtues and her uninterrupted contemplation from the moment of her Immaculate Conception to her consuming “fiat,” which truly compelled, in a most wonderful way, the Son of God to come and “rest within her tabernacle.” This study of the holy childhood of the Mother of God is exactly what the title says. To be sure, other works, based upon private revelation, treat of the Blessed Virgin’s early years, but there is no book that specifically treats of the holiness itself of the wondrous child, accumulating its mass of material from the inspired revelation of the sacred scriptures, the liturgical use of the same (as applied by the Church to Our Lady’s feastdays) and the common testimony of the our Catholic fathers and doctors.

Saint John Eudes was born at Ri, a country parish near Caen, Normandy, in 1601. Endowed with extraordinary talents and filled with burning zeal for the salvation of souls, he devoted 50 years of life, until his death in 1680, to the preaching of missions and to the organization of ecclesiastical seminaries. He founded the Congregation of Jesus and Mary, generally known as the Eudist Fathers, for missionary and seminary work; the Order of Our Lady of Charity with its two observances of the Refuge and the of the Good Shepherd; the Society of the Most Admirable Heart for lay persons aspiring to perfection in the world; and lastly, Confraternities of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary for the propagation among the faithful of the devotion, of which he was the first apostle. He wrote the first Mass and Office for the special feast in honor of the Sacred Heart and of the Holy Heart of Mary, which he established thirty years before the revelations of Saint Margaret Mary.

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Dom Jacques Houlier , 80 Pages, Paperback

Dom Jacques Houlier - PB – 80 Pages
This beautiful and contemplative book, reflecting upon the characteristics of Gregorian chant that have attracted the attention of so many: its permanence, beauty, and history, as well as its liturgical, sacred, and philosophical qualities is well worth spending some time with.     

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Father Paul Trinchard, S.T.L. , 270 pages, Paperback

Father Paul Trinchard, S.T.L. - PB 270 pages

Father Trinchard from New Orleans, has been attached to the ancient Roman Liturgy since his ordination in 1966. This book is a commenatry on the importance of the Holy Sacrifice in the life of every Christian. Much of the book is summarised from St. Leonard of Port Maurice' work The Hidden Treasure on the Mass. The importance of praying the Mass the way is SHOULD be prayed is thoroughly elucidated in this 'treasure' originallly published in 1995.

"Don't pray at Mass, but pray the Holy Mass... the highest prayer that exists... You have to associate your heart with the holy feelings which are contained in THE PRIEST'S words, and in this manner you ought to follow all that happens on the Altar. When acting in this way you have PRAYED THE HOLY MASS -  Pope St. Pius X

Shortly after the Novus Ordo Mass was episcopally imposed, some laymen went as exiles to the high desert of Nevada and built their own church for the celebration of Christ's Canonized Liturgy. During the Mass of Consecration for this church an arch-shaped multi-colored rainbow which later turned totally golden appeared in the blue desert sky and dipped down on one end into the church's steeple illuminating the church with an aura of golden light. THIS ENTIRE EVENT WAS CAPTURED ON VIDEO. The illustration on the front cover was painted from that video.


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1-930278-81-0, Archbishop Alban Goodier, S.J., 58, Paperback

Also Available as Ebook


by Archbishop Alban Goodier, S.J.

Archbishop Goodier published these 50 Meditations in 1925. In his author’s preface he wrote “These notes were written a long time ago in Lent, 1909. At the time a certain religious, now dead, used often to speak with me about prayer, and about the labor she had experienced in prayer. I used to notice how easily she would fly along a line of contemplation if the tiniest suggestion were made to her, and several times I ventured to make such suggestions in the shape of points for meditation. The points here collected were written for this purpose. They were written for two only; but others who have seen them have found them useful and have asked that they may be printed. If they are a help to any in prayer, I can only be grateful to our Lord.”

The publishers at Loreto hope that the modern reader will find in this little volume as much useful material for initiating meditation as did the original readers.

ISBN 1-930278-81-0

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